Hi all
I’m convinced that I have MS (or anxiety/ migraine according to Dr). It started Dec 22 with numbness on my cheekbone, lips and spread to my shoulder- all right side. I thought I was having a stroke- Dr (we’ll call him Dr.P) said it was an atypical migraine.
This has been on/ off every month or so since then- seen 2 different Drs, but neither seem concerned. The 2nd Dr (we’ll call him Dr.B) said it was simply unexplainable and that many people can have numbness on and off for years with no explanation.
Dr.P said on Monday that an atypical migraine is nothing to worry about, unless it changes. So this week I’ve noticed my middle finger getting stiff, and my right leg feeling numb/ weak/ sensitised. So I phoned Dr. B and he said he’d do a reflex test next week and that “many people come in with those symptoms, but not many end up having MS”. I asked if an MRI was warranted and he said that a neurologist would decide that, based on the reflex test.
My tongue feels tight and large, too. And I’ve had frequent night urinating for months (probably due to giving birth, but hey, you never know) AND unexplained tight chest/ difficulty breathing (chest x-ray all clear) which I now realise could be the MS hug.
I’m kinda trying to be ok with a potential MS diagnosis, which is kinda stupid because it may not be MS. MS sounds super scary and debilitating- I’m scared of choking. But many apparently go on to live pretty normal lives, and life expectancy is only 5-10 years less than usual.
I don’t know why I’m writing this, I just want some support and advice/ your experiences I guess.