A numb forehead .My forehead is numb and feels like im wearing something tight over it .Also numb nose ,going into mouth even my teeth ! Only other numbness seems to be my 2 index fingers ,sometimes thumb and big toes .
Its such a horrible feeling .But i suppose id rather have that than the painful leg pains
I had an mri of brain and half way down spine and nothing was found that was in april .Just want to find out whats happening so i can hopefully take something to help get rid of it .
Hi Sam, I wasn’t offered any meds so not sure if there is anything to get rid of it. I was told it reflects the area’s of demyelination and is damage caused. But I can tell you, on a more positive note, that in the last few weeks the numbness has ebbed away slightly. Catherine Ps and it really cheesed me off that, despite the numbness, it hurt like hell to pluck my eyebrows!!
Lol yep same here I’ve been on pregabalin for a few months , the numbness went abit but now is back with a vengeance I’m waiting for a lumbar MRI and a nerve conductivity test ? I’m not expecting many answers from these . Do you know what they could show ? Sam x