Hi all, Im feeling very on my own as I search the web for anyone else that has the above spasms in their legs
If I stand my legs go into a full spasm that lifts me on my toes and it lasts a few seconds and then I come down again, at night if my legs have been curled up when I try to straighten them they stretch out so intensively into a full stretch, my toes spasms too then they relax, also my knees are pinning together sometimes, does anyone get this?
there does not seem to be any info on the web about this nor have I heard of anyone elses experiences of this, Ive had for about a year now, I take 4 baclofen at night and quinine and do stretching most morns and eves
Im at my wits end with his especially when I use the toilet I have to wait for my legs to do their own thing! xx