Exercise ideas…..

Further to my recent post I sought advice from a neuro specialist physiotherapist.

I asked for suggestions to aid with core stability, the restricted movement in my arms and sitting to standing.

This is what she suggested. Thought it might help others.

Now I just need the commitment and enthusiasm to do some of each every day!

Core stability exercises:

Mini sit ups - (sitting away from

back of chair, leaning back to touch shoulders to chair and back again)

Back extensions - (leaning forward as far as you are able to then sit up not using your hands)

Trunk rotations - (hands level with chest or as high as able, sitting away from the back of the chair and rotating side to side)

Pelvic tilts in chair - (slouching down and sitting up tall, pushing hips forwards

Reaching - trying to reach as far as you can side to side - aiming as high up as possible


Exercises with walking stick, assisting pushing left arm out to side, forwards and up

Assisted reaching - hands together.

Hands - palms together to stretch fingers and wrist.

Pushing up from arms of chair, focusing on use of arms to extend arms and then control down again.

Standing -

Sit to stand, try to gradually lower chair

Mini squats

Transferring weight from side to side

Reaching alternate hands up from the frame.

Turning to look over your



Well, that’s impressively fast work and gives you something positive to build on.
Thanks for sharing.

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Hi Flowerpot, that’s really good of you to share the list of exercises.

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Thanks Flowerpot, that’s a good list. I try to do a bit of exercise myself, but sometimes it’s so difficult because of the high fatigue levels, sometimes I even struggle to brush my teeth. But when I can I will certainly refer to this list.
Jean x

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Thanks for sharing this Flowerpot.

Hope it helps you, take care

Pam x

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My biggest problem is actually finding the time and energy to do these whilst also caring for my husband who has Alzheimer’s and coping with my own symptoms.
Just as well I like a challenge!

Very useful. On days when I’m feeling really good, but I’m not going out, I normally go on to YouTube and put on an exercise video and work away at home. There are 000’s of exercise videos to choose from. I’m in a wheelchair and have found lots of exercise videos that are suitable for me. I have bookmarked my favourites so that it’s easy to access them.

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