hope everyone’s as good as can be expected.
I have a few questions I would really appreciate any help with.
I’m going through the dreaded ESA process (migrating from IB), and have joined the works and benefits website as suggested.
I’m seriously not coping well with this, to the point of being given a weekly script of the anti-anxiety medication Chlopromazine.
I am terrified of what is going to happen to me when my money gets stopped (through failing ESA or waiting for tribunal)
I am already in financial trouble as, after consistantly forgetting to pay my gas and electric bills,
I had to agree my bill money would come off at source, and I now pay £50 a week, (to last over a year), with no option to cancel, (although I was falsley told I could cancel any time pre agreement)
I also forgot to send relevant information to the council and have had my housing benefit stopped twice (apart from nearly burning the house down by leaving cooker on etc etc)
My main health problems are extreme fatigue, bad cognitive issues,
(luckily I have a lot of documentation from Neuro, Doctor and research Doctor supporting this),
also depression, anxiety, and retention/frequent bladder incontinence.
I’m stressed out about a part in the form where it asks how far you can walk without being exhausted.
I don’t know whether to answer as if it’s my worst day or what.
I’m scared that if I exaggerate ( it varies but that gets 0 points.) I’ll have all my benefits stopped, but if I don’t mention it, I’m doing it wrong?
I’ve just seen Urolgy consultant who is recommending self-cathetarisation,
but says the process will take 18 months.
Does this mean that my incontinence issues will be regarded as being sorted?
The Urologist also said an operation might be needed, but I can’t remember why?!
I’m totally freaking out about this, maybe to the point of over-reacting, but I honestly can’t help it, I’m crying and terrified all the time.
My Doctor wont change my anti-depressants as I’m on long waiting list to see Neuro-Psychiatrist
(I asked 6 months or so ago, pre-Neuro-Psychiatrist referral when I started falling apart, but other Doc just said no.)
My niece in England is bi-polar and her PCN nurse is able to delay her ESA interview for a year as it would be detrimental to her health to go through this process just now.
Where are the professionals fighting for us?
It seems to me that our health is judged expressly by how good we can fill a form in* -
(if you know the rules you can play the game) and has little to do with the reality of living with a progressive illness.
We then have to endure unfair questions that do not take the varying problems of MS into account - and lets not forget the fact that your “ATOSSER”
might probably lie at your non-medical medical…
No matter what happens, it’s not going to be ok :
Pass ESA - money problems with MS - do it all again next year
Fail ESA - money problems with MS - (maybe court, plus homelessness), do it all again next year
Pass the pills, please, I’m freaking out
- Daughter helped write this.