Esa pip advice pls

Hello all. Hope you are all doing well. So I applied for Contribution based ESA and got put in the support group (now this is an ongoing group not restricted to a year like the work related group). They are only paying my NI (as it turned out I had not enough NI contributions). Does this mean in 2 years time I will have enough contributions and then actually receive some finances does anyone know pls?
I am also applying for PIP I had an assessment last month and then yesterday and the day before I felt amazing. Was so close to phoning up to cancel application as felt like a fraud. Then last night legs kept me up for ages in pain. Trouble is when I can do things I look fine but then suffer terribly after. It’s so hard I feel like a fraud at times. But then have spent many days in bed. Live in fear someone will report me for fraud(haven’t even been awarded pip yet as still waiting) any advice or ideas pls. Hate that we are in a position to even apply for anything. Thank you

Hi @sophiep
I think I’m on the same ESA as you, have to keep sending DWP a fit note (sickness certificate) until, they tell you to stop.

I’m on PIP too. Being house bound over a year now and awaiting elective surgery, I certainly wouldn’t consider myself a fraud; if I was still working and in reasonably good health, I’d much prefer not to be living off state hand outs.

Yes, there are somedays I wake up feeling good, I think I’ll push myself to do a bit more physio exercise this morning but, as with most days I’m completely fatigued out by the evening.
Good luck with your application,

Thanks for your reply I don’t have to keep sending fit notes as my go has dated it indefinitely. But yes normally you do. I just find it all hard with good days and bad days and it’s not a same amount each week some weeks all bad and then this week I had 2 great days (that’s when I realise how crap I have been feeling). I think maybe the system just isn’t set up for a variable condition. I hope you get surgery soon and things can get easier for you

Congratulations on getting into the support group for ESA! That’s a huge relief, I’m sure.

Regarding your question, I think you’re right that if you continue to pay NI contributions, you might become eligible for financial support in 2 years. But I’m not entirely sure, so it might be worth calling the ESA helpline or speaking to a benefits advisor to confirm.

I totally get what you mean about feeling like a fraud when applying for PIP. It’s like, you have good days and bad days, and it’s hard to prove that you’re not just being lazy or something. I’ve been there too, and it’s really frustrating. But the thing is, you’re not a fraud! You’re just trying to get the support you need to live with your condition.

One thing that might help is to keep a diary or journal of your symptoms and how they affect your daily life. That way, you can show that you’re not just having a good day or a bad day, but that you’re living with a condition that affects you consistently.

And don’t worry about someone reporting you for fraud. That’s just not worth stressing about. You’re doing what you need to do to take care of yourself, and that’s okay.

Hang in there, and I hope you get a positive outcome with your PIP application!