Didn’t understand that,but that type of drug helped me in December 2010
Didn’t understand that,but that type of drug helped me in December 2010
Hi again both,
My apologies because I was using the Voice Recognition feature on my Samsing Galaxy in bed last night, so found it difficult to type in full, hence Wb, the weird last few words - great fun when doing Google Talk but useless for serious messages or texts…
Karina - thanks, interesting to know how you got on. For now I’m continuing with the CCs but at a gentler pace than initially because I know how successful they can be. It took 3 months in total the first time and we’re all in agreement (GP, Nurse and husband) that I was trying to squeeze 3 months exercises into a shorter period of 6 weeks simply because of an imminent holiday. I was given a mantra all those years ago of ‘Persistence Rewards’ so agree with youur comment about perseverance. I found your reply very encouraging - thank you.
Wb- I’ve always been led to believe by both ENT specialists and Neurologists that phycal manipulation to correct the damage , or rather retraining neural pathways was the key to success and that drugs only help the symptoms instead of tackling the cause.
But what I intended to say is that if you’d read through two threads I’ve contributed to recently about vertigo (plus the feature I wrote in new Pathways March 2006- PDF available on MSRCs website) you’d know that drugs had never worked for me.
This is what I took during a period of 20 yrs before success with the CC exercises (though obviously not all at once) with their side effects:
Phenargan - the drowsiness made me dizzier
Dramamine-the drowsiness made me dizzier
Stugeron (cinnerazrine)- drowsiness which gave me hallucinations. Tbh I’m shocked it’s allowed these days to be sold over the counter.
Stemetil (prochloperazine)- after 12 yrs of increasingly higher doses I developed Parkinson -like symptoms, a known side effect- the rolling movement between finger and thumb, so had to come off it gradually by a strict titration regime as written on paper by my GP and taking the liquid form - it took 6 months to come off them.
Serc 16 (Beta Histine) - instantaneous severe allergic reaction starting off with a hives-type rash but within hours needed more drastic intervention.
What drug where you given if you say it worked and was it given for Benign Positional Vertigo which feels entirely different to MS related vertigo, or anxiety related vertigo?
I’ve had all in my short time on this earth - the BPV since the age of 13.
Many thanks
PS *physical manipulation, I meant sorry.
I can’t remember what the stuff was and haven’t got the repeat prescription any more. Whatever was wrong with me was assumed by me and the GP to be MS related,lasted about six weeks and eventually subsided. 'Praps it wasn’t MS,but six weeks was plenty and I really feel for you and your battle.
Many thanks for your kind words - other people’s battles are greater than mine so I look upon this situation in this way: consider a Turnstone bird on the beach, if you’ve ever seen one in the shale at e.g. Llandudno or any beaches up North (like I do around my area, or on my visits to the South Coast) turning up every piece of pebble and grit until it finds its food; likewise I’m digging and delving and asking questions to get a satisfactory outcome to prevent my life ( and that of my family) from being restricted further.
Forgot to mention that I’m also getting a phone call this morning to discuss all this from the Lead Physio who’s been with me on my MS journey for many years to see if she herself agrees to the manouvre or give me further adcice on the CC exercises.
Thanks again
I would say its worth getting a specialist neuro physio or doctor to perform the manoeuvre and see if it helps. It makes you feel worse for the first few days to a week after but then gradually subsides. And see if they can give you a different range of cooksey cawthorne exercises - just remember that if you manage to get the epley manoeuvre don’t do cooksey cawthorne exercises after it for a while as it can undo all the work that the epley manoeuvre did
Hi Karina,
Since I posted earlier this morning my MS Nurse rang to say he’d secured an appt for next week for my original Neuro who takes on more specialist kind of work in my hospital ( it’s a teaching hospital) to give me the Epley Manouvre. A bit apprehensive because as of yet, I can’t lie flat on my back without the world, kind of taking off. I can manage one pillow but I know from previous experience that it’s done flat. I queried as to whether I coud wait until it settled down but my Nurse said there’s more chance of it working, the more acute and aggressive it is.
Thanks again
Fingers crossed for you - let me know how you get on xx
Thank you very much - indeed I will
Just a quick report back on this:
I was due to have the Epley Manouvre tomorrow morning, however yesterday I went down with a sore throat and acheyness.
By this morning I was running a temperature with it and my legs were weak, so after doing what needed doing around the house and online (I’m getting some photos published this month), I went back to bed dosed up with Ibuprofen and a drink of hot water with Manuka honey and slices of lemon. In the meantime my husband rang my MS Team to inform them, so it’s now been postponed and I’ll get a letter in the post to arrange another date.
The way things stand at the mo, apart from this virus-y thing, is that I’d done enough of the Cawthorn Cooksey Exercises to get me up and running as normal, apart from the one thing which is a classic symtom of Benign Positional Vertigo which is acute dizziness on lying down but which settles within minutes, if not within seconds.
I hope to be well enough after this mini-virus to go on holiday a week tomorrow as planned.
Thanks all
Eiona x
Hi Eiona sorry to hear you’re poorly hopefully the cooksey cawthorne exercises will ease off the dizziness. My neuro physio has given me some exercises to do with the big ball which I will perservere on which hopefully will help
A positive update on all this…
I recovered within 48 hrs of the sore throat and temp and despite the positional thing of not being able to lie down flat, persevered with the CC exercises with the agreement of my MS team (without having had the Epley Manouvre) . I went on my annual jaunt to Hampshire but continued to do the CC exercises whilst there, with the result that I managed to eradicate the positional thing to the extent that it no longer impacts on my life.
Whilst on holiday my legs and fatigue levels weren’t too good yet we managed it well (we = friends and husband) to the extent that I didn’t need to use my wheelchair, neither a walking stick. Result! :0)
Within 10 mins of arriving home from hols. I had a call from my MS team wanting an update and asking if I still wanted the Epley Manouvre. I replied that I didn’t see the point by now, but left the door wide open (as it were) for me to have it if needed.
I’m still continuing with the last set of CC exercises- the rolling around the bed ones, and can safely say that no bed springs have been harmed in the process ;0) but feel it vital to do so until I’m 105% confident that I’m OK.
Thrilled also to report that today was the first day I’ve been out alone in over two months. As it says on my CC instructions- ‘Perseverance Rewards’.
Eiona :0) x
That’s brilliant news Eiona! I definitely saw the difference in the cc exercises it’s just remembering to persevere with them - I let mine slip a bit for the past two weeks because there’s been so much going on but I’m paying for it now! Starting them up again today!
Like many others I have had the Epley - it took them 3 times for me and then I only had some improvement (after initial worsening). I then went in to the CC therapy at the balance clinic for a year. I still have my limitations as my condition is some BPV and some way due to the placement of MS lesions.
I have to warn you it really isn’t overly pleasant and does initially make vertigo worse. I was told to sleep on one side but upright for 5 nights and even that was really hard when you have the added factors of MS pain etc.
I don’t want to put you off but wanted you to be aware.
Best wishes and hope your infection goes quickly!
Thank you both
Unfortunately I know - had it done before, as previously mentioned
Same here- keeping on, keeping on
Thanks again
Eiona x