Just recieved my appointment for electromyography on my feet, has anybody had this done ?
Just recieved my appointment for electromyography on my feet, has anybody had this done ?
Hi - yes I had this done a couple of weeks ago on my legs, back and arms - it’s fine…very quick really, they just put a fine needle in, take the reading, put another in and take another reading etc etc - no problem at all. You will barely notice the needles - only one of mine hurt and only briefly (one in the calf muscle).
Good luck with yours.
oh isnt it that electric shock thingy??
The electric shock thing is evoked potentials - now that was pretty painful! I had nerve conduction at the same time as EMG and that was pretty strange like the evoked potentials but much quicker. When are you having it done?
On Monday morning. Just looked at the letter again and it says Nerve Conduction and EMG. Was a little surprised when I got the letter on Wed. Not looking forward to it.
Did you have it in your feet?
Hi - no, I lay on the bed - it’ll be fine, very easy. Hope it goes well. Dx
Re; " no I lay on the bed"
Ha ha oh Deb youv just cracked me up. I meant did you have the tests actually in your feet, not while you were On your feet.
“No I lay on the bed” oh wow so funny
: )
Oh what a blo*dy plank I am! Ha ha ha- serves me right for not reading properly
Ok, to answer the real question…I had needles by my ankles but I can’t remember about the actual feet I’m afraid. I had the nerve conductivity thing put on my toes too. I thought they were turning me into the bionic woman!
Good luck tomorrow, Dx
Still laughing, bl**dy laughing, hillarious.
I wouldnt mind being the bionic woman