Effects of MRI on MS symptoms


Does anyone else find that having an MRI makes their symptoms a lot worse? I find the dizziness terrible after lying flat and for some reason, the actual MRI makes my legs virtually unable to move. I have a back condition and respiratory problems, which also means lying flat is painful and difficult for me, and after the last MRI I had,when I was in hospital, I was unable to get off the table for the dizziness and the pain in my back and the weakness in my legs, and I ended up passing out. I had to be man-handled onto a trolley to be taken back to the ward, in order to be given pain relief. For over a week, after every MRI, I find my movement is far worse than it was before the scan, and means that even getting from my wheelchair to the sofa or stairlift is so much more difficult. I have had this effect from scans for many years, and have asked doctors and radiographers about it, but no one can explain why it happens.

I just wondered if I am a complete oddity in this or others also experience this sort of effect?

Hi, I havent had any problems with MRIs like those you have experienced. Would a sedative beforehand help?


I have suffered a really bad back after a couple but perhaps different scanners and hospitals. I think the dizziness is from the magnets, they didn’t used to let you leave for an hour or so!

Come to think of it now you mention it, I remember that at one time they used to make you wait before leaving the hospital after an mri. Now it seems to be they want to get the next person in as quickly as possible. I know that they are just trying to get through a long list, but I always feel like I have to get up off the scanner bed and out of the way as quickly as possible so as not to hold up the queue! I’m sure that the electrons must do something to my body and that is why I feel so bad afterwards. Unfortunately I do seem to react to all sorts of ordinary procedures and medications rather badly, and very often differently from everyone else, so guess I’m just one of a kind! I’ve had plenty of time over the years of having MS to get used to this happening now though.

I have had a number of head MRI scans and whilst I find them very uncomfortable and not the best way to spend 40 minutes I haven’t experienced and ill effects.

I never really thought about it before, but I do get a bit dizzy after having one. I’ve always had someone else drive me home, even before I stopped driving. No long-lasting effects, though. The dizziness always wears off within an hour or so.

19 Oct: Had an MRI this morning with contrast, and I was nearly too dizzy to walk. They had to help me sit up and then used a wheelchair to get me to the hospital entrance. I’d driven there, but my son had to drive me home. It’s been 4 hours, and I’m still dizzy and slightly sick to my stomach.

ask for wedge beneath your knees, it helps your leg to relax and makes them less painful.

well it did in my case

I’ve always had a wedge under my knees, but the last time just getting it under my knees caused so much pain I wasn’t sure I could last through the 40 minutes without yelling out with the pain. It’s definitely getting worse each time I have an MRI, so I’m not looking forward to the next one in December! That’s assuming anyone is doing anything like MRIs by then of course. Ah well it’s just another one of those things to be endured I guess!