DVLA CN1 form??

Hi! I’ve just been diagnosed and my nurse told me I need to inform the DVLA. I’ve printed the form but I’m a bit confused on some of the wording, and my neurologist is proving difficult to contact :sweat_smile: I’m hoping someone more experienced can help me!

The very first question asks if you have MS, and the date of diagnosis.
Next it asks about any relapses - do I include the relapses that occurred before my official diagnosis, or do they just want any relapses since it was known to be MS?

Additionally it asks for the last appointment date I had with my neurologist. I haven’t actually spoken with my neurologist in months, and only with MS nurses who gave me the diagnosis. So my question here is, does this question definitely want a consultant appointment, or would using the MS nurse appointment be more/less accurate?

Maybe I’m overthinking it, but it’s stressing me out and I’d really appreciate some clarification!! Thanks!

Hi, I cant remember how I filled out the form, but I think I would include all major relapses and then you are covered. I think this will give them an idea of how ms is affecting you.

With regard to the last appointment - can you put the date and put nurse in brackets? and have you room to also put another date with neurologist in brackets?

not alot of help im afraid x

Well I can’t remember what I filled out but I returned it by return of post and a month later I got another letter saying they hadn’t received my information! I sent a very sketchy and quite angry response by tracked Royal Mail. I’m still waiting to hear it’s been about four months now. I personally don’t think I’m safe to drive. I don’t want to drive and in fact I’ve sold my car for that very reason. I was quite forthright in telling them that I don’t think I’m safe to drive and if they write back to say that I can keep my licence - I will probably send back a strongly worded letter to tell them they are wrong!
Sorry that doesn’t really answer your question at all - I’m afraid I went on a bit of a rant there :woman_facepalming:t2:
I do remember that they were very helpful when I rang them so maybe if you ring them they’ll tell you how to complete the form 0300 790 6806

Yeah I was thinking that in regards to the relapses; might give them a call to clarify on the neurologist/nurse situation. I just don’t want it to look like I’ve been diagnosed for months and not told them (based on my last neurologist appointment) when really I’ve only just had confirmation from my nurse.
Thanks for the reply :relaxed:

Oh gosh that sounds like a nightmare! I’ve read quite a few stories about them demanding more information/saying they never received it etc. so I’m wary of getting it wrong and dragging the process out even further.
Sorry to hear you can’t drive anymore though, that must be tough.

I might give them a ring, thanks!

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I sent the form off in november 2021 but only in the last 2 weeks had a letter from dvla to confirm accepting 3 year medical licence. Apparently dvla send a letter to the hospital and it ends up in the general post room as it doesnt get addressed to either the doctor or the department :woman_facepalming:
In the 10 months i waited i did have 2 letters from dvla confirming they were still looking in to it. And then they issued the licence last week but sent to the wrong address. :expressionless: