DVLA form question

I was diagnosed RRMS beginning of December, just had first MS nurse appointment and now have been told to inform DVLA.

Just about to post form and had a mini panic so can I ask a quick question.

Throughout the diagnosis stage and ongoing, my biggest symptom is to do with leg leg, I have significant weakness in leg, ankle and toes plus numbness & ant crawling sensations, this has been documented on all my notes including a note that I will be changing to an automatic car for ease (I have done this).

I ticked the section for necessary to drive an automatic car and added a separate note that this might not be permanent? I am not sure if this is the right thing to have done and will it cause changes to my license that can’t be undone if I send off?

Any advice welcome, many thanks

The DVLA will probably give you a 3 year medical licence which you can usually renew. When I got mine they didn’t seem interested in what kind of car I drove or whether it had adaptations. Everyone with an MS diagnosis is required to inform the DVLA, whether or not they have physical issues. I hope that helps and I hope you lead a life as free from disability as possible for a long time. Happy New Year.

Like @Moirah I have a 3-year medical licence (your normal, 10-year one gets revoked when the new one gets issued). The crucial difference is my notes didn’t specifically document my gammy left leg. Chances are the DVLA will take account of your notes.

Will be renewing the 3-year licence in the new year sometime so I can’t yet help you, but they will look at the worst case, not when you’re in remission. Don’t worry about the changes to the licence - realistically, you’ll never choose to go back.


Thanks both for the responses. I will send off form as ticked then, and it’s true, I most likely won’t return to a manual car in the future as far as I can see.

Happy New Year to you both

Hi I have just emailed the forms to DVLA before christmas and am still waiting for a reply. I also informed my insurance company. After speaking to a few different advisors they thanked me for informing them but stated they weren’t really concerned unless the DVLA advised me not to drive or my GP advised me not to drive for an extended period of time.
I have just recieved my renewal quote and it has increased by £30 which I can dismiss as just an expected renewal increase.
Hopefully this little additional bit of info may help. I await the DVLA response in the new year.
All the best

Thanks Dave, yes spoke to Hastings today and they made a note of it but likewise not to bothered unless DVLA put restrictions on

I am having to post mine as GPs look like they are currently about 8 weeks behind on reading and putting letters on system so need them to catch up first with diagnosis! Hoping they just write to Neurologist tbh as they are more used to dealing with DVLA.

I wouldn’t worry about that honestly. As long as you declare your change of health on the appropriate form, you should be fine.
If DVLA believe there is an issue-they will send your form back to you with a cover note explaining.
Good luck

Thank you and fingers crossed it’s ok, I missed so many sections as I’m waiting to hear on DMT after MDT meeting, I didn’t really know relapse dates etc.

Informed dvla of left leg numbness,so swapped to an automatic, which is great.
3 year medical license
Went from being able to drive most things apart from class 1 hgv to automatic and 50cc moped…lol.
Used to joke with my son about his license…now he’s got more sections than me than me…lol

Lol, well that’s clearly what I am going to get, what is it with MS and dodgy left legs! Fun times ahead

Absolutely, it has taken me almost 18 months to realize this is my new normal with some bumps along this crazy journey