Well, I thought I was on the mend and thought I could manage without the stick this weekend. Then I had a bad night last night, legs were painful and I couldn’t get comfortable so didn’t get much sleep. Couldn’t move very well this morning so phoned in sick and went back to bed until midday.
Apart from a few extra walks to the staff room yesterday I didn’t think I had walked very far. I did the grocery shopping as usual on Sunday but I have the trolley to hang onto as usual. Ah well, two steps forward, one back!
Hopefully, as I’m moving a little easier now, I will be okay again tomorrow. I guess I need the stick for a bit longer. Damn! I do like to learn the hard way.
On the plus side, it gives me a chance to have a dummy run at making a chocolate salted caramel cake in readiness for next week’s Cake Break. Wish me luck. Next week I have to bake for 3 consecutive nights and I will probably have to skip my afternoon naps to fit it all in. I’ll be back on the Amantadine to keep me going and I don’t like taking it as it makes me feel a bit odd; I’d rather have a little sleep. Thankfully, it’s a Bank Holiday weekend straight after - I have a feeling I’m going to need at least an extra day’s rest …
Right, time to put the oven on and sit down to weigh the ingredients.
Thanks Poll. The special cake is going to be the centrepiece for my raffle. That usually raises over £50 on its own so it has to be something out of the ordinary.
T,if you can type without getting cake mix everywhere what has the weather been doing? A rise in humidity always causes me more hassle.Listen, when you’re back at the ‘Cake Face’ I fancy Flapjack with Amantadine sprinkles.
Hello, I do hope you don’t mind me joining in your converstions I have just rejoined the forum after several years away and I can’t tell you how great it is too find others who are affected by humidy, does that sound bizarre. I’m fortunate too live in the north east of england so we often have cooler days than those from down south but for me humid days are a certain catalyst to a “poor day” for me as are humid environments, even a steam filled bathroom! One minute I am fine and the next it’s like my plug has been pulled out and I’m travelling very quickly down the plug hole. Intense heat has a similar effect as does laughing, I can take two days to recover from a night out with my friends.Mind the latter does not stop me at all!! The others well I’ve learned over time to judge whats tolerable for me and whats not.
I was diagnosed with R&R 9 years ago following 2 years of alternating symptoms that were deemed too random in presentation to diagnose correctly. And I am really pleased too be back on the forum I don’t know why I ever left, I had quite forgotten how good it feels too talk too others who understand how MS can touch your life.
Thank you for listening and good luck with the cakes.I love cake.
The cake looks and smells yummy. I had to make two lots of caramel as I didn’t boil it hard enough the first time and it didn’t set enough. I’ve only made one layer for the dummy run and if I’m well enough I will take it into work where I have lots of willing taste testers
It has been quite warm today which does always make me worse, funny I didn’t make the connection earlier. I’ve just blamed the recent relapse although that probably hasn’t helped.
Wb - I think I’ll find a better recipe for flapjacks, thanks all the same. Yours don’t sound too good! Perhaps Mrs Wb will make you some.
Hi Joysee, welcome back to the forum. I haven’t been on much in the last few years either, I tend to pop on when I’m at a loose end and/or when I’m having a few problems. It’s a good place to come and share problems, fears, fun and laughter. Look forward to seeing more of you
Sorry T,you’ll have to do the Backflips(flapjack with amantadine)'cos the last Ms Wb has been gone almost 12 months and I’m short on a few things,cake being way up the list. The problem is the Golden Syrup,'cos my paw tends to get stuck in the tin as I can’t smash it like a honey jar, and I get covered in oats,which is odd if you consider my list.
Oh, there was a 10 day dalliance with a German girl but she could have got a job with Lufthansa she had that much baggage,but there was no cake in any of it.
Ok Wb, just for you, I will make the weird concoction. I love making things with golden syrup 'cos I always lick the spoon. Yesterday’s cake involved lots of bowls and spoon licking. Cooks perks :-). I’m sure in one of the books Pooh got his head stuck in a jar being such a greedy bear and the others had to get him out without damaging his little brain!!
I’m feeling much better today, so am back to work and am back to using the stick but only outside. There’s no point using it inside as teenagers have no more respect for an old gal with a stick than they have for anything else :-(. I am getting some odd looks from some colleagues as they clearly think I was swinging the lead yesterday (I wish!). It’s only the ones who have known someone with MS that understand that 24 hours can make all the difference … Wouldn’t it be easier if we looked as bad as we felt?
Speak for yourself T.I usually look like a bundle of cheeky waterproof rags when I’m whizzing about on Davros,but at least some of your work chums know what the ‘game’ is about.If you’re extra poorly during Wimbledon then there would be faces pulled.
I’ll have a root around to see if there is a Golden Syrup bucket I can get my head stuck in…That’d be fun
Steve xx
ps If I get a fax machine you could send me the Backflips that way
Hello, I do hope you don’t mind me joining in your converstions I have just rejoined the forum after several years away and I can’t tell you how great it is too find others who are affected by humidy, does that sound bizarre. I’m fortunate too live in the north east of england so we often have cooler days than those from down south but for me humid days are a certain catalyst to a “poor day” for me as are humid environments, even a steam filled bathroom! One minute I am fine and the next it’s like my plug has been pulled out and I’m travelling very quickly down the plug hole. Intense heat has a similar effect as does laughing, I can take two days to recover from a night out with my friends.Mind the latter does not stop me at all!! The others well I’ve learned over time to judge whats tolerable for me and whats not.
I was diagnosed with R&R 9 years ago following 2 years of alternating symptoms that were deemed too random in presentation to diagnose correctly. And I am really pleased too be back on the forum I don’t know why I ever left, I had quite forgotten how good it feels too talk too others who understand how MS can touch your life.
Thank you for listening and good luck with the cakes.I love cake.
[/quote] Hi joysee, I had to respond to your post, I have always referred to feeling a bit yuk as “having my plug pulled out”, most folk look at me like I’m stupid so I’m so so glad you describe it like this!!!