I put this on Everyday Living but have heard nothing yet so posting here.
Does anybody know anything about eyes? When your eyes wibblewobble side to side quickly and briefly but regularly when reading or concentrating on something is this nystagmus or just normal?
Trying to googledoc flickering eyes only really brings up eyelids rather than the actual eyeball or else nystagmus but my eyes don’t ‘wander’ they just quickly flit back and forth a few times. The left eye (socket?) hurts a bit but I have no double vision or anything just the normal floaters and occasionally a little mist ball in the way. The neuro letter said I had convergent spasm on examination. Just another bizarre thing to add to my weirdo list!
Some time back a friend of mine noticed that my left eye flits about sometimes - I don’t notice it myself. It’s the same eye I’ve had ON in 3 times so I don’t know whether that’s got anything to do with the price of fish or not?!
The same eye also winks at it’s own leisure - which I do notice. Both my eyes get blurry and misty and I do get quite a few floaters but it’s nothing to do with my sight itself as I recently had an eye test and new glasses. I don’t know what the answer is. It’s probably another one of those mysterious ms things.
If you have pain in the eye though I’d definitely be inclined to get it checked out - just to err on the side of caution.
Yes I get this occasionally too! When I had my last relapse my left eye had a mind of its own, it was an effort to focus on anything and I had to ditch my contact lenses as that just felt too weird. My vision has settled down now but I still get a blurry patch now and then - I keep cleaning my specs and then realise its nothing to do with them. Yes - its just another one of those strange things that come and go!
I have similar things happening to my right eye winking and had an eye test last week and my optician said that although I had bit of diabetic reinopathy which I expected my eyes were ok. The exam didnt explain the colour differences and brightess and glare in my right eye. Ive been gettin facial tingling numbness and pain which is the trigeminal nerve which also serves parts of the eye. I suspect this. (T.N.) Maybe one of our gurus can shed a bit of light please? Frank.
It sounds like nystagmus to me, but I don’t know about it only being there when you are concentrating on something - perhaps it’s just more noticeable then?
Get someone to look at your eyes as you look at something (e.g. a pen) that they can hold fixed and then and move slowly across your field of vision.
Thanks for the replies - I did the ‘pen test’ and apparently my eyes do go at the same time/speed but instead of following smoothly they jump as they move as if taking it bit by bit. I was unaware of it. Might be time to see an optician! Thanks guys xx