Anyone have experience of nystagmus?

Does anybody know anything about eyes? When your eyes wibblewobble side to side quickly and briefly but regularly when reading or concentrating on something is this nystagmus or just normal?

Thanks in advance.


My husband has SP and has problems with his eyes, this being one of them. He has had a prism lens fitted after months of monitoring by an optomotrist/opthamologist at the hospital. A consutlant dx 3 things wrong with his eyes and said nothing could be done. (Husband is 63 and has had to stop driving). His vision does get worse if he is especially fatigued.

Of course it is quite possible your condition may be nothing to do with MS, so the best course of action would be to contact your GP or MS nurse if you have one and talk things through. Alternatively discuss with your consultant, perhaps bring your next appointment forward if you dont have one in the near future.

best wishes


Yep that happens to me, my eyes run off on one when I’m trying to read! My physio has given me an excercise to help, keep my eyes on my finger(held up) and turn my head right to left & up and down, I think it’s helping!

Hope that helps


Ive been to see opthalmologist and was prescribed prisms because my eyes werent working together. Experienced nastygmus when reading too. My eye muscles have weakened causing double vision. The prisms work to bring both eyes to work together, thus eliminating double vision. I had a field test done to see if I could still drive and reaction times to see if I could react in an emergency. All was fine so Im back driving now.

If anyone experiences any visual problems they must stop driving and inform their gp and hand in their license until give the all clear to drive again, otherwise trouble may follow.



As suggested by Karen I got my daughter to watch my eyes as they followed a pen - she said they follow together but in a jumpy way not smoothly. Does this sound nystagmussy? What on earth are prisms? I can see well. I don’t have double vision. There are slight colour differences - patches of greyer writing within black text but nothing too bad. This wibblywobbling is just plain weird and far worse when tired. I’ll be doing the exercises Zak!

Thank you so much for your replies
