I’ve had sleep problems too, sleeping for a couple of hours when going to bed, then waking up tossing and turning for a while, then back to sleep etc. I would get really annoyed that I wasn’t getting a good night’s sleep. I was taking amitriptyline for leg spasms and that did help with the sleep problem and I felt more as if I’d had a good sleep when I woke up in the morning but I found that it became less effective after a little while and I put on weight so I stopped taking it. I have just started Tegretol (Carbamazepine), been taking 50 mg for two weeks and about to up the dose to 100mg. It isn’t really helping with the MS symptoms at the moment, but I do seem to be sleeping better and even if I do wake in the night I am not so agitated. I also get back spasms that wake me and make it difficult to change position - only just linked that with the MS - kept waking up and couldn’t work out why I couldn’t turn over