do you get a results letter instead of consultation?

Hi my sister went for an MRI scan a few weeks ago for ms we were told the consultant would send out an appointment to discuss the results. I have just had my sister on the phone in tears she has a letter which says things like white matter changes in demyelination, prominent canal and minor disk bulge, syrinx of the spinal cord etc and that she can see the consultant to discuss these results in 3 weeks! Is that right? Is that a normal way to get your results? The consultant left and she has a new one it says he wont know if the results are ms until he meets her.

Its a letter from the hospital but it was sent to her by the gp i think Im not sure she was too upset, she has depression and often has no energy they have always put it down to depression, now she has gone to sleep because she was too upset.

Can anyone tell me if this is how you are supposed to find out and if not what to do to get the appt bought forward she cant wait 3 weeks thanks


No, it definitely is not how your sister should have found out. I’m not surprised she is so upset.

Your sister, should have received a follow up appointment and then had the results explained to her by the neuro.

Would you, on her behalf, ring PALS tomorrow at the hospital and explain what’s happened and how distressed your sister is.

If you prefer, you can email them…you should find the contact details on the hospital website.

It would be really good if someone could go with your sister to the consultant appointment. I’m sure she will appreciate the support. She is so lucky to have you there, looking out for her.

In the meantime, you could encourage her to make an appintment with her gp.

Good luck to you both xx