Hello, i’m Sylvia. I’m new to this forum and i’m nt even sure i’m doing this post right or in the right place. If it’s not please forgive me.
I am sort of desperate at this point, so i am sorry for the lengthy post. So this is what happened:
In the summer of 2012 i started to feel a weird sensation on my skin, like it was numb, pins and needles, no pain in my right leg. I went to my GP and she said it was probably vitamin b12 deficiency. She gave me some vitamins, which i did not take, and about 2-3 weeks later the feeling was gone. A few months after that i was diagnosed with IBS.
For 4 years nothing happened, until last year. For the past 12 months I’ve had a tidal wave of weird symptoms. The pins and needles in my right leg returned, lasting about 2-3 weeks again. Last fall i started having really dry eys and then i started seeing double, my eyes couldn’t focus properly and as a result i would see everything double. I went to see an eye doctor who ask for thyroid exams, which came back clear. He said he suspected i could have either MS or Mystenia Gravis, so he ordered an head and eye MRI and sent me to see a neurologist. The neurologist, an intern, examined me (reflexes, walking and so on) and said he couldn’t find anything wrong (the double vision was gone at that time and hasn’t returned). I told him about the MS and Mystenia suspicions the eye doctor mentioned and he looked at me like i was crazy and just said “there’s no way”. I am 27 years old.
So i am waiting for my MRI, but i am wondering if the MRI the eye doctor asked for could show MS or not. If so i should ask for a new neurologist.
I was just wondering if you guys could help me make sense of my symptoms based on your experiences to set my mind at ease while i wait for the MRI.
Thanks in advance.