Hi all, Do any of you suffer with dizziness? I have not done so far except for the odd short spell, but it seem now to be plagued with it this week. It’s not so horrendous I can’t get up and about (tho my husband says I am quite hardcore), but it’s definitely causing me issues. I never get travel sick and just not a sicky person, but even I am getting sicky with it. Doctor has given me some meds to help deal with it prochlorperazine, but I hate taking meds and they make me feel a bit weird (in a different way) so wondered if anybody had any advice as to how to minimise it? Also how long does it tend to last - it’s only been about 5 days for me but I am looking forward to saying goodbye to it already! Lol. Thanks, Leah
Also meant to ask: I find that every morning I think it has gone and even when getting ready in the morning it seems not too bad then starts later - the dizziness seems to happen when I turn my head really quickly, or if I move my head up or down. Does dizziness build - a bit like travel sickness builds as the journey goes on?
I have been suffering from dizziness and a constant feeling of movement inside my head for many years. This suddenly became worse 18 months ago, and I am now unable to work, walk outside the house without crutches or basically do any normal everyday activity without difficulty.
If it doesn’t clear up, I would suggest you ask your GP for a referral to ENT to rule out any inner ear involvement. Mine is still frustratingly undiagnosed and a bit of a mystery, but hopefully you will be a bit luckier than me.
I’m not sure if you’re dx with MS, but I believe it can be a symptom, although how severe I’m not sure. I believe it can indicate damage to the vestibular nerve or some other nerve that is involved in our very complex balance system.
Don’t let it go on too long without getting it investigated. I really sympathise with you…it’s a horrible and restricting symptom.
I really hope you’re feeling better soon xx
Hi. dizziness is my worst symptom. Like purpledot mine is feeling of movement. I saw an ENT specialist who identified an inner abnormality that I have had sice birth. They got very excited and diagnosed a very rare condition that it now turns out is not the case.
I saw a professor at Charing Cross who said one of my lesions is on my vestibular system, cause of lesion as yet unknown. Thats why i;m back on the MS path.
There can be many reasons for dizzyness MS included. It is horrible though, complety debilitating.so you have my every sympathy. Anti sickness pills are a godsend. Hopefully yours is a temporary thing that will go away
Hi both, thanks so much for your replies, I am not Dxed with MS, although I have had what they think in retrospect was a clinically isolated episode, followed by ON this last December. I think it is a little better today than before - but I am not at work today so have been able to be a it more careful about what I do with my head. Hopefully it is on it’s way out. The tablets they gave me work really well and allow me to feel much less dizzy but having had a quick google, they seem to prevent the brain from adapting to the dizziness, so I am going to try not to take any over the bank holiday weekend (we’ll see :-D)… I have booked a proper appointment with my GP next Thursday so if it is still a problem I can find out what they want me to do then. Thanks Leah