morning all. Just to update:
Saw the gp Tuesday, explained new symptoms and feelings;wasn’t too interested and said her could not give anything for pain or pins and needles whihc are now really bad in arm and foot. Asked if he could refere me for mri scan- just to delay waiting - no neuro apt till 30th oct and then obviously wating time for after then.He again said he could not.
He did however give me prochlorperazine for the dizziness I’m experiencing. Spoke to the pharmacist who said it should work within 2-3 days if its going to. It has made no effect yet. Just wondering anyone else tried this or any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Prochlorperazine was one of the first things my GP tried for me. I found it took the edge off the dizziness, but didn’t stop it completely. It was more manageable, and meant that my worst moments were still more or less bareable. I did get dry mouth with it mind. Stick with it for a bit longer at least. Hope it helps you soon!
thanks dagny, How long did you take it for?
Also did you try anything else? thank so much
Only a couple of weeks. The GP didn’t want to prescribe any more given that it wasn’t a complete solution. Didn’t try anything else, no. Fortunately it eased up on its own after a while, because on my worst days I was struggling to stand up for any length of time.