Hi, Is anyone on either of these please? If so any thoughts would be appreciated. In the absence of any neuro advice or support, I am considering asking my GP to prescribe. Thanks Catherine
I’m on betahistine - been on them almost two weeks. I’m not sure, I still get dizzy, perhaps not as bad. I did feel quite nauseous at first - but that seems to have stopped.
I’m undecided…
Thanks. I desperately need help with the dizziness. Its debilitating and stopping me from living my life. I’m sure if something alleviated it, the other symptoms would reduce, I would be able to drive and get back to work. It’s been 14 weeks now.
I’m getting through my current prescription quite quickly.
I do think it takes the edge of it - I was quite slack with them for a few days and the Dizziness was at its worst then.
Is this something that we have to keep on taking if we suffer from dizziness ? i.e. do I have to ask for more after this current course?
Hi Catherine,
I had a terrible bout of dizziness and nausea a couple of years ago; it really impacted on my life: I couldn’t walk in a straight line, couldn’t stand up without the room rolling etc and I felt sick all of the time. My GP prescribed me prochlorperazine and it really helped, so maybe you could as about that one too? I would certainly suggest that you go to the GP and ask for something to help you, you shouldn’t have to put up with it. I hope you feel better soon.
Rae x
Hi Rae, Thanks. I already have prochlor but my neuro told me, in no uncertain terms, to stop taking it!! But then she didn’t accept that my dizziness was consistent with either ms or my original symptoms…despite the fact that it was the overwhelming dizziness that led me to see GP ages before the rest of the symptoms set in and led pre diagnosis, to a tentative diagnosis of labrynthitis!! Catherine Xx
Oh Ok Catherine,
Sorry to give a suggestion that wasn’t helpful. I hope they get to the bottom of it soon and that your symptoms subside.
Rae x
Hi Rae, It is helpful because, despite what the ice cold neuro said, people ARE taking it for the same reason as I. And finding it beneficial. So I shall carry on taking what I know works for me. It was a ridiculously unproductive, unhelpful meeting, as you may have gathered from my recent, unflattering rants!! Thanks Catherine