Divorce support

I am really struggling with things at the moment. I am going through divorce and finding the whole process extremely difficult. Please can anyone offer any guidance or advice on how to get through this? My ex is coming after pretty much everything I have to my name, I want nothing of his. He now wants to know my life expectancy. He doesn’t care about my quality of life. I just don’t feel strong enough to fight him anymore.

Take it one day at a time, look after yourself, keep good records, and stay firm with your boundaries

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Do you have a good lawyer? I don’t know enough about divorce laws etc but I was under the impression that courts take a dim view of unreasonable agreements.

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Have you tried the MS Society help line? Don’t agree to anything unless you are happy with it! Try counter claiming for everything you can get! He is not in control and can’t force anything on you

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I’m also going through a divorce. Although I think my husband did me a favour.
It hasn’t been easy trying to balance out my days. But I actually feel less “disabled” now that I can do things for myself. It may take me a lot longer to change my bed sheets but I can.
Small steps but we can do it.
Good luck


Charming guy, being through a divorce myself when i was newly diagonsed eith MS best bit of advice is ignore their nonsense. Your lawyer will keep you right. Ok it is embarrassing, humiliating as your life laid out in front of the lawyers but once that is done let them fight for you. Once you bteak off all contact life gets better, trust me i got married again and that was the best thing i ever did.

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