Dead legs

Hello all. I am after some (not really sure what I’m after. Advice/support/just sharing probably understanding but my head is going crazy and need to share). My legs have been bad recently. I can still walk ok but they are very weak and tired and when I walk uphill it feels like I can’t remember how to walk. My legs are a bit spasmy and have never been that before. Thing is every morning when I wake up my legs feel so heavy and dead that I’m always worried they won’t be able to walk. So every morning I have terrible dread I have lost use of them despite the fact they are fine when I go to the bathroom in the night. They feel how they felt when I have had a spinal block in the past. Has anyone ever had this or at least understand what I’m saying?
Thank you

You’re not going crazy @sophiep
I get the dead legs every morning, day and night, it’s a sign of chronic inflammation, typical of multiple sclerosis.
I feel just what you’re saying, these days, take care,

Hi Sophiep
I’m so glad you posted as I have had exactly the same issue for the past 4 weeks or so.
I can still walk but all day my thighs feel slightly stiff or similar to how they would possibly feel after a work out. I don’t get the dead feeling you describe though.
To try and get things moving properly I have been taking several 10 minute walks but with no improvement so far. As you say it’s like the legs are stiff, weak and tired with a slight mind of there own, ( my left leg does anyway )
10 minutes walking is my limit so that I am confident of getting home again. My legs are worn out afterwards too for a good 5 minutes until rested.
I haven’t had this feeling before and have previously just felt occasional slight fatigue after walking. This is different altogether.
Every night in bed it’s a case of just hoping they feel better again in the morning but no luck so far.
today I have managed to borrow an exercise bike for a slightly different movement in my legs, hopefully this might help.
I have only recently been initially diagnosed with probable MS and still waiting for official confirmation.
I have written to my Neurologist today regarding the same legs issue and I have an appointment with her next month.
Should I get any relevant advice or information I will pass it on to you.
Best Regards
ps All my other niggly little symptoms seem to be worse when I am lay in bed. I’m not sure if its because I’m lay down or if they just get noticed more in the silence before sleep.

Soz I forgot to mention, Baclofen and physiotherapy helps a bit, but if I overdo the exercise too much then I start getting a left club foot and tripping over my own legs. :footprints:

My mum gets spasticity in her legs and they get very stiff. As well as baclofen and physio, we also find showering warm water over them really helps them relax.

Thank you I will maybe make an apt to see gp. Never know when to seek medical help and then who ms team or gp
I have put in a request to see a physiotherapist will see what happens. Thank you all

Hi im waiting to be diagnosed , but my legs are so stiff i feel i can hardly bend them.
And their also heavy.
I struggle to lift my feet off the floor