In previous posts I have said long history of trying to get diagnosed (not that I want it). Scan in November appeared to be positive according to an Older Adults Consultant I trust. Seems there were quite a lot of demylinating lesions and yes I do know other illnesses can be the cause. I am interested to hear from anyone who has met with a Neurologist who has confirmed the diagnosis etc What was that like? How did things proceed from there? I think I have convinced myself now this is something and nothing as the journey has been so long! Main difficulties I am encountering are depression, anxiety, problems with word searching and losing myself in conversation. Also issues with leg pain and weakness/ poor balance, scared of falling as have had 3 significant ones. Fatigue and what I can only describe as a complete inability to act and get things done. I live on my own. I will update after tomorrow. Very anxious.
Good luck for tomorrow…I also see my neuro tomorrow.
We can catch up and compare notes later, yeh?
Yes that would be good thanks xx
Ho hum! Well that was a carry on. Seems the OA Consultant should maybe have kept his mouth shut - and if he had done he would have saved me a few months of anxiety. Situation seems to be lesions which cannot be used to diagnose MS as the previous scans I have had done are long ago, far away and unavailable. He went all round the houses giving the other possible causes - migraine, vascular etc Then he mentioned that my difficulties might be functional - cheers. Also since I have been investigated over a 20 year period - well not often ha! - if I did have MS I would be in a wheelchair by now. Oh right. So is there anybody out there wants to disagree with him?! Anyway the November scan is being taken as a baseline and another scan is being instructed now. there may then be a lumbar puncture depending on the result and he will see me in 4/5 months - but of course I do not have MS. So that’s fine then. Oh and I am seeing a psychologist for memory testing.
Hello, Sounds like he really doesn’t have a clue what’s going on. I don’t get why he is telling you if you had MS that you would be in a wheelchair by now. Get this other MRI and the lumbar puncture done, They will need to keep and eye on your lesions. Have you had a full spine MRI? I hope you get your scan done soon a d that you do not have to wait long for the next neuro appointment. It is very frustrating when a number of years go by and you still do not have a clear answer. Hang on in there Lina
Ooo, I can just imagine sooo many folk who have had MS for years and are not using wheelchairs…going hopping mad at this one.
It`s like when that stupid neuro who diagnosed me with HSP in 2011, said he believed I didnt have PPMS, because I could hold an intelligent conversation!
So that would mean anyone who`d had MS a long time, wouldnt be able to communicate well.
For heaven`s sake! These educated men/women say things to us which go deep down and stay with us forever and upset us with their wrong thinking. Idiots!