Had my appointment at the National Neurological hosptal, very impressed, very though, there is definately something going on. they have booked another mri of brain and spine which should be within 6 weeks and return to outpatients in 2 months so should only be a couple of weeks after mri before i get the results, also suggested i try to get copies of previous mri’s so will ring both hospitals tomorrow.
They said that if they don’t see what they are expecting on the MRI, then they will have me in for the day for lumbar puncture and test where they stick needles in the muscles. Don’t really know how i feel, except feel confident that they will get to the root of the cause. I must admit its left me feeling totally exhausted. and i think things have got worse since last neuro examination, my arms and hands are now aching constantly along with the legs etc. But at least we are making progress, the doctor at the national did say she thought we would be seeing for a bit.