Clear MRI But Persistent Symtoms? Don’t Know What to Do

Hey all - 26M here. In early May I had a random day where the right side of my face went “numb” (could still feel the sensation) and I developed a pressure in my head.

Over the next few days this spread and ending with constant tingling in my forehead. I quickly scheduled a visit to my GP and she sent me for a brain MRI with no contrast which I completed in late May. Per the report the results were “normal”. There was no mention of lesions and the myelination pattern was described as “appropriate for age”.

Despite this all my symptoms persisted, and even got worse. In early July I began to experience what I can describe as a tightness in my leg which has resulted in some pain and on and off tingling in my foot.

I was able to get in with a neuro in late July who was dismissive of my concerns. He prescribed 300 mg gabapentin which has not helped at all. He also gave me a 12 day prednisone taper (starting at 60mg) which did nothing as well. He conducted blood work including ANA which came back normal.

I am now at a loss as it has been almost 4 months and the symptoms are still here all day, everyday. The tingling has honestly gotten worse (now includes burning, pressure, tightness at times) never goes away and I have become very removed from friends and family and have trouble focusing at work. The one thing that is challenging is that the skin is fine to the touch, but the sensation is always there. Touching the skin offers a couple of seconds of relief.

Should I look to push the neuro to repeat some scans? I wake up everyday hoping to get better yet nothing, despite supplementing with D3, magnesium and vitamin B and lots of walking

The clear brain scan is good news…but it hasn’t got to the bottom of your problems.
It sounds like you do need some follow up. Whether or not you have MS, this is impacting your life.
You could try contacting neurology directly, asking for a follow-up appointment. If they won’t deal with you directly, you could go back to your GP.