christmas is canceled.... No thanks to the DWP

hi peeps not been on in some time now as i have started working again… Wich is kinda where the problems begin. Long story shot 6 months ago the dwp ballsed my esa claim up big time and then waisted 2 months with the whole appeal proces only to turn me down and put me on JSA. Fastward to now. As i have already said just started working again but due to the dwp’s balls up 6 months ago have not been claiming any benafits for 6 months solid. (5months 1weak 3days to be exact) wich means i dont get any back to work benafits. This is where the problems realy start as i dont get paid till the 15th of dec and have had no income since the 11th of nov and as far as the nob center sorry job center are concerned its tough tits. They have given me a crissis loan to get me through on food but theres still the whopping £655 i still nead to magic up for my rent. Iv been to my local council but because the Nob center have said no they cant go round them. Wich means out of my first months wages i will have to pay this months rent and put aside for next month a grand total of £1310 wich i will not earn if i work all the hours god gives betwene now and the cut off for next pay. I am also going through my local mp but he dosent think there is much hope of getting it over turned. Luckily for me i have a close family who have lent me the money but because of this christmas is canceled Realy sorry for the rant but it had to be done

Is there any possibility your employer might give you an advance, if you explain your predicament?

I’m not suggesting they actually give you a wad of money, just let you have some of January’s pay ahead of time?

Admittedly, it was many years ago, and perhaps times have got less trusting, but I’ve had to ask an employer for an advance once, when starting a new job. With rent due in advance, but pay in arrears, there was no other way I could do it.

I think they thought I was being a bit cheeky - in fact I don’t think they even understood the request at first - but they DID do it. It wasn’t costing them any extra overall, as they just took it out of next month’s.

Seems nothing to lose by asking, at any rate. What’s the worst that could happen? They laugh, and say: “You’ve got to be kidding.”? Not any worse off than if you hadn’t tried.


Whereas they don’t necessarily have funding to straight out give money to people the charity Shelter may well be worth speaking with for advice and helping you to find the best way forward:

Good luck


Hi, what a state of utter chaos! Thing is, getting loans isnt going to help much, as they have to be repaid at some point eh?


luv Pollx

lol humbug indead. Somthing always seams to go wrong at christmas for me i think im just gonna quit and hybinate nov till jan from now onwards that way if any thing goes wrong at least i wont know about it

I`d like to hibernate too…and come out slimmer!

luv Pollx