
After having Botox I have seen the continuance nurse today and she really struggled to find and insert the catheter (funny shape apparently) well I have dexterity problems with my hands and feel if she struggled I will have no chance. She is ordering me some with handles to see if that helps but has suggested an Indwelling instead , she has made if sound fabulous that I can just turn on the valve and pee. Brilliant I thought. So much easier than me faffing trying to find my urethra, since she left I’ve googled and confused myself. Advice please on whether I should be asking for an indweling or a spc. I don’t fancy a bag attached. Anyone willingly to share their experiences please

I too have botox injections and self catheter, have done for about 5yrs now. December 2022 I had a SPC fitted as I didn’t want a bag and I had it taken out about 3mths later, as it kept bypassing and urine everywhere, 9 times it did it in 3 days, something me or my hubby didn’t need, so now I still self catheter, but the amount of Botox I have in now paralises my bladder, so I don’t have to catheter so many times. The consultant did warm me that the day would come when I would have to have either a permanent bag, or a SPC again. Good luck with whatever you choice.