Catheter experience anyone?

Evening all. Long time since I was here for a chat.
I’m hoping this might be read and replied to. Of course I’ll be delighted to hear from anyone here regarding the dreaded catheter.

The time has come where I just Seem to spend more time wet than dry. I’m being referred to someone to talk about catheters. I’m guessing either a spc or urethral kind :thinking:
My hands are quite gammy now so self catheterisation isn’t an option. I’m clueless if I’m offered a choice. Can anyone share any experience good or bad please? x

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Hi, it’s years since I posted anything too. I saw your topic and I had this dilemma 10 years ago. I had a lovely continence nurse who supplied me with portable catheters and pads, the downside was being constantly wet.
I had an urethral indwelling catheter put in ten years ago and have had a lot of ups and downs with it. You will hear arguments for and against these as apposed the suprapubic, but the nurses who see me say that catheters be those urethral or suprapubic each present different problems for us the user. I am just pleased that with care I am able to lead as normal a life with the aid of a catheter. I wear trousers to enable me to hide it discreetly away and you would never know I had one. I do hope the information I have given is helpful in any way. If you want to ask me specifics then fire away.

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Thanks for responding. :slight_smile:
If don’t know how long it will be before I get to see someone. From what I’ve read I’m leaning towards a urethral type. Seems to be a bit less conspicuous than the supra. I’ve been reading the pros and cons. I’m not expecting to be given a choice really but to be advised what is best for me by the experienced. Either way, I’ll be relieved (pun intended) to be free of accidents, most of the time, and to getting an unbroken night’s sleep!

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I’ve had an SPC for a few years now. I wasn’t particularly looking forward to it but knew it was inevitable. Turned out I wish I had it sooner! It made life so much simpler. There can be a few problems with it, but then there were problems when I self catheterised. Overall I’d say it’s definitely been a good thing.

Hope that reassures you :slight_smile:



Thanks Dan. The fact that I have made up my mind to actually get any cath at all is a real achievement in itself!
I’ll report back when things happen.

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