car insurance

Finally got around to informing car insurance company about my MS dx (only 6yrs after dx!). I had read on here that it wouldn’t affect my premium but it did - when my disability was added the premium actually dropped by £6 per month Wish I’d done it years ago - could have saved a fortune!!!

When hubby rang our car insurer, they said my dx didn’t affect anything as long as DVLA were happy to let me carry on driving. We’ll see what happens at renewal at the end of the year…

Just got quotes online when I put in 3 years restricted license it was 40% dearer! than when I didn’t declare it

not declaring it might acutally make the insurance invalid :confused:

I told my insurer when renewal was due, it didn’t make a difference to my premium

Think it made my payments less because they previously had me down as unemployed with no explanation why…

It cannot affect your premium due to the disability discrimination act…I still drive a taxi and when I had to go on to 3 year license it made no difference what so ever to my premium and that’s me carrying members of the public all day

My car insurance went up from £190 to £222 when I told them (for the second time) are they allowed to do this?