Car insurance HIT

Just last weekend my stepson received a letter from Bell insurance,informing him,that his car insurance had been cancelled due to me being a named driver on his policy. Only 18 odd months ago i declared my MS to DVLA,and im now on a 3 yearly driving licence. Ive never had an accident or caused one!,and have full no claims discount. when he contacted company about his policy,they told him,because i was on his policy???. I told him to delete my from it,and his policy was reinstated and £160 cheaper!!. (ive never even driven his car!!, a 1000cc fiat).

What im not understanding,is this MS Discrimination,or just common practise?..

Thanks Lee…

Hi Lee, by law an insurance company can not discriminate like that.

I have type 1 diabetes and obviously this has to be declared to DVLA and a 3 year restricted licence is issued and ins company informed. As you have been deemed fit to hold a driving licence there can not be any discrimination.

My personal view is to ask for their reasoning for their actions and then report them to the ins ombudsman if not satisfied with the answers given. I would also urge your son to think very carefully about the firm he is insured with as you never know how good their customer service is in the light of a claim being made.

That’s bizarre! Were they aware of all of this? I have always been a named driver on my son’s insurance and have always declared that I have a health condition, am on a 3 year licence and DVLA are aware. Other than that, the insurance company are happy and don’t need to know anything more. In fact, it was cheaper for me to be a named driver on his insurance than it was for another relative (possibly as I have a ‘safer’ occupation). I’ve been a named driver on my son’s insurance since he was a learner driver just to keep his premiums low and rarely drive his car.

Tracey x

Thanks for advise guys,i think i will call them and ask why?,and maybe then call ins ombudsman if they make no sense!!..

I was always named on my brothers insurance no questions asked,and we used to shop around each year.

Hi Lee, it’s definitely wrong but it does sound a bit foggy, you should definitely complain. You can take it to the ombudsman if they’re unable to resolve the complaint - Considering DVLA have been informed & have given you a licence, I have no idea why an insurer takes issue with it! It’s not like it’s life assurance, where your health could influence things.

Good luck complaining

Sonia x