Can't sleep :/

Well I am so fed up of bloody horrible numb/ burning thing in my ankle and toes it is driving me mad, my arms are aching that horrible dull toothache nerve pain and half my face is tingly to top it off I appear to have got backache today as well feeling sorry for myself, just popped an extra 100mg of gabapentin in the hope it might help. I want my body back from august this one is crap. I dread the thought of waiting for months for some kind of answers, no news on bloods from 3 weeks ago and they said I would only hear if it was abnormal results, nerve conduction normal, and MRI on 5 th January but my nuero said he wouldn’t see me again till beginning of march unless something showed up, so does that mean I just have to carry on trying to keep working, three kids and all that goes with it without any help with symptoms, thank god my GP is so good. I had a cervical mri back in October but only my gp has seen that report which said there was a bit of ossification on c5/6 but no nerve entrapment or stenosis. Neuro said at my appt that my symptoms didn’t fit with a nerve entrapment. Fed up and it’s nearly Christmas :frowning:

Hi Billie I’m the same can’t sleep each time I begin to nod of my legs twitch and I’m wide awake! Not good when I will be up early with my son. Thankfully you don’t have too much longer to wait for your next scan, Appointments now to see the consultant always take ages aswell, my consultant wanted to see me in January but could only get a Febuary appointment, I’ve just recently had another scan so waiting anxiously for the results of that. Polly x

I also have trouble sleepimg i wake up with vertigo every hour or so even sleeping bolt upright so can sympathise cant take medication as im 31 weeks pregnant is there anything you can take?

I take gabapentin that’s it really, can’t take NSAIDs due to my PKD or any codine as that makes me sooo ill so I am pretty stuck on the pain relief front