I have a bursitis in hip+ knees, i was told by the rehabillitation Dr that this is common in ms, he treats many ms patients + has written a paper on this, does anyone out there have this?
I have had an injection in my hip which was very painfull, but also helped me walk better, there is no guarantee that it will work or how long it will work for. julsiexx
Yes me too, elbow and fingers sometimes experience a lot of pain on the joints similar to elbow, so dont know if its the same. I had steroid injection for the elbow. Thought finger pain was something to do with ms but gp says no?
This is really interesting. Without trying to sound like a total hypochondriac!!! lol I’ve had this discomfort in my finger when trying to bend it. Its only the one finger and I can still bend it so haven’t taken too much notice but i’m aware of it. Just wondering if this could infact be the cause!!!
This is really interesting. Without trying to sound like a total hypochondriac!!! lol I’ve had this discomfort in my finger when trying to bend it. Its only the one finger and I can still bend it so haven’t taken too much notice but i’m aware of it. Just wondering if this could infact be the cause!!!
[/quote]Hi Char, i think we just say that must be the ms, when i might be something else?