Bowels and no movement

Taylor2008 Re Movicol, I once took six sachets between 8 am and noon and the another six by 3 pm. Worked about 8 pm. And 11 pm. And 4am. Not much sleep, but worth it ! John

Hi Taylor2008

I dont know what you have been reading about OxyPowder which shows serious health warnings but I can assure you this is a safe and natural product and also highly effective. If you want some information and reviews on it just check this out:

Its much gentler than any laxative you get either over the counter or from your doctor and many of these cotain Chemicals which Oxypowder does not. Wobblyboy was absolutely right when he said its more of a health hazard to be walking about with impacted bowels!!! The colonic would help but I have to be honest, it wont be an easy colonic. My very forst colonic I blocked up the tubes because all I was passing were cement rocks! It took the oxypowder to soften things then the next colonic was much easier. In fact the therapist said I was like a different person!

Hope this link helps.

Lisa x

Hi everyone, I’m finally going!!! Woo hooooooooooo! But yes, it now doesn’t stop!! And is liquid!! Gross (TMI)! I will continue with the movicol, but if the bloating continues, I’ll look for other avenues! Thanks to you all for your advice/support! Sorry but for some reason, i can’t use the return key to make a new paragraph!?!..Lisa…I was ready to buy it, but got totally put off by some sites that were saying the main ingredient can be harmful?? Maybe mag oxide, or germanium? Someone also ended up in hospital on amazon reviews?? Anyway, that freaked me out!! Natural doesn’t mean safe unfortunately. Most natural way would be in my food. I’ve sorted out my diet, more fibre, more water, regular movicol (trialling, might not persist) and think I’ll try Linseed to start with, raisins, etc. Thanks everyone :0)

Try orange juice. Get the cartons of orange juice that say ‘from concentrate’. Mix it 50/50 with water and have at least 2 large glasses a day… around at least a pint.

Also try linseeds (supermarkets or health food shops). Sprinkle heaped tsp full on cereal, soup, salad or yoghurt… you can’t overdose on them so have as much as you can.

Good luck,

Pat x

I have been having bowel problems for 8 years. Regularly I could not go for two weeks and One time I was unable to go for 3 weeks and I looked pregnant with twins and was so bloated and uncomfortable. Tried senna and movicol and they just seem to bloat me further. I was also struggling to have a wee because my urethra was blocked from all the poo!

Eventually my Doctor put me in touch with a continence nurse and she put me on Quofora which is an irrigation system that you use at home. It is unpleasant, uncomfortable and undignified. BUT IT WORKS. I use it a couple of times a week (some people use it everyday but I cant face it). I also self catheterise and having both these options has really helped me. Its good to know that I can now chose when to go rather than wait for my body to go into a labour type process to expel the poo!

My problem is that my body seems only to be able to push from my chest so it was never a consistancy issue, More an issue of getting the messages from my brain to my bottom. Anyway the solution has been found, movicol and quofora, and it is amazing! Good luck!x

I have been having bowel problems for 8 years. Regularly I could not go for two weeks and One time I was unable to go for 3 weeks and I looked pregnant with twins and was so bloated and uncomfortable. Tried senna and movicol and they just seem to bloat me further. I was also struggling to have a wee because my urethra was blocked from all the poo!

Eventually my Doctor put me in touch with a continence nurse and she put me on Quofora which is an irrigation system that you use at home. It is unpleasant, uncomfortable and undignified. BUT IT WORKS. I use it a couple of times a week (some people use it everyday but I cant face it). I also self catheterise and having both these options has really helped me. Its good to know that I can now chose when to go rather than wait for my body to go into a labour type process to expel the poo!

My problem is that my body seems only to be able to push from my chest so it was never a consistancy issue, More an issue of getting the messages from my brain to my bottom. Anyway the solution has been found, movicol and quofora, and it is amazing! Good luck!x

Oh love!

Blocked bowels can be a nightmare for me too. I have no mobility and that can cause constipation.

I asked my GP about Peristeen and she wasnt keen on it and said to ask district nurses for firstly a small enema and if that didnt work, for a stronger enema.

The small ones only shift a small amount of poo.

The longest i`ve not gone, is 7 days. So your 2 weeks makes me shudder!

I have cycles of going, then hardened stools, then nothing and taking 3 or 4 laxido a day, which work after a couple of days. Then sometimes I have to stay near the commode and cant go out and cleaning up takes an age.

With having had a supra pubic catheter fitted 10 weeks ago, it is inadvisable to get constipation. It has happened a couple of times, and it presses on the bladder with it`s little balloon and can cause urine to by-pass or bladder spasms.

I am making sure I have a laxido every morning, with prune juice, bran flakes. Of course, plenty of water is a must too.

Glad to hear you are going again now.
