Hey everyone I applied for a blue badge a couple of weeks ago. I had to send a cheque for the £10.00 fee. I have noticed today that the cheque has been cashed, does this mean that I’ve got it or do they cash them anyway? Also does the blue badge mean I don’t have to pay parking? Thanks x
Hi Sounds like it may have been approved to me. I really do hope it has for you. With regards to parking not all are free (most are) just don’t presume it is always check Hope this helps Sue x
Hi Mini !
I would expect that you’ll either get notification in the post that your badge is ready for collection, or the badge itself will be posted to you?
(There seem to be different procedures depending on the applicant’s location. I - myself - am in Mid-Sussex and had to apply/collect blue badge through the local library. My Mother - in Cambridgeshire - was able to apply by phone and should be sent her badge by post shortly.)
The Badges can take up to 6 weeks to be ready/received, depending on where you are.
They don’t necessarily mean FREE parking, just a space to park in
(I had to visit hospital recently, and though I was able to park in a disabled bay, I still had to pay for parking).
Hi Min I have to say, that where I live, there are more disabled places that you still need to pay in than don’t. The blue badge for me just means easier, more accessible parking. And don’t even get me started on hospital charges…HOW MUCH !! Xx
l find more and more disabled bays are not free - its ok in supermarket carparks but not in council owned ones. Do not be caught out. Hope you get your badge through soon.
I applied back in Feb and got a letter today to say that it has been approved. The £10 has not come out of my account yet though. I do know that you can’t park for free everywhere and some multi storey car parks still charge you the normal tariffs, you just get to park in a disabled bay. I think you will need to check wherever you park.
Thanks everyone. My main concern obviously is the parking closer to entrances etc but the free parking would be a bonus seeing as I’m at the hospital regularly for infusions. Will have to wait in the post man ringing! Ill let you know x
lf you regularly attend a hospital for treatment - you might be able to get a discount or free pass for parking. l think you have to apply at Hospital Cashier. l know our hospital has now stopped free parking for blue badge holders.
Hi again, six weeks later from applicationI have still not received a decision? On the form it said it could take up to four weeks for the application to be processed but still nothing! Should I ring them? Getting impatient now lol x
I would ring them especially as the cheque has been cashed, it might of got lost inthe post.
Thanks Deanne x
Hi Mini78
It could be that you are caught up in the system.
Your local authority make the decision, and then pass your details back to the contractor for the badge to be issued.
Like Deanne suggested, ring the local authority Blue Badge Unit.