Hi all,
I had a day out today to renew my blue badge, very nice man did my photo took details l payed my £10 YES £10 it will come in the post he said
regards Jan xx
Hi all,
I had a day out today to renew my blue badge, very nice man did my photo took details l payed my £10 YES £10 it will come in the post he said
regards Jan xx
Hi Jan, I had one for a while but the only car I used it in was my friend’s soft-top 2-CV and in London they just cut the top open to get the blue badge, so it’s not worth it…
But so glad you had nice day out getting yours!
Hope you ok hon. Very wet and windy here but I still managed a little walk up the street and a sit on a wall watching the world go by.
Take care and have nice evening,
Pat x
i got a questtionair from the blue badge people the other week asking if i thought 10 pounds was fair for a blue badge so i guess i will be paying 10 pounds when i renew mine lol
regards mick
Hi all,my blue badge was due for renewal i filled in the form 7 weeks ago
the old one expired on the 30th March 20012.
i sent my form and all the documents and photos enclosed by registerd post
the had recieved it on 26 Feb 2012 i phoned and the told me there is a 3 month backlog
They are going to send me a letter to extend my old bage untill the 5 July 2012
but i can only use it in Birmingham.
apparently new guide lines were interduced in Jan 2012
and all the staff have had to be re-trained to enable them to grant blue badges
I have had a orange/blue badge for over 16 years
and i recieve high rate mobilty and they told me i qualify for the badge
Just had telephone questionaire from Derbys. County Council. My Blue Badge is due for renewal on 27th April so I am not hopefull as he says they have someone to review the answers who then send out a letter and if I don’t get it I can appeal and then if I get it I will have to wait while it is sent out 2nd class (it might be sent out 1st class if the renewal date is close BUT there may be others in the queue with a shorted renewal date!).
I use a wheelchair the majority of the time so where does that leave all those people who seem to be able to just jump out of their car and make a sprint to the supermarket while still displaying a Blue Badge?
I too am on high rate mobility ~(awarded in 2003) and have detereated since then so why the question of whether or not I qualify?
Hi Ann l too get high rate mobility and my letter just told me to go to councle office with proof of my dla pass port and a house hold bill in my name address and my £10 l got my first one in 2009 and this one was to run out 30th april l wonder if it is up to the councle in your area. Regards Jan
Hi, my blue badge was renewd last month. I didn`t have to pay owt!
luv Pollx
Hi,just a update recieved 2 letters today
one to extend my excisting blue badge (expired on the 30th March 2012) untill the 30th June 2012
and the other one was to tell me i had been awarded a blue badge and i phoned
them up and payed my £2.00 fee,was told it could be another 4 weeks before it arrives
Obviously not Derbyshire County Council then!
Hi all blue badge came today took 10 days as man said runs untill may 2013 with a nice new blue clock
Hope you are all keeping well with this funny weather very wet just now take care all
Regards Jan xx
Hurray! Blue Badge just arrived - good job as it ran out yesterday. Mine runs out 27/4/2015