Hi All xxx
I woke up early hours yesterday drenched in sweat with nasty sharp pain in my bladder - after not feeling anything at all bladderwise for flipping months and months!!!
I emptied it no problem - it didn’t feel full or that I needed to go - no burning or anything
It’s just this horrible sharp pain coming in waves - inside just above my pelvis - below my belly button
I’ve had the odd single sharp pain very rarely in the past - but it has always gone quickly - it felt like something has gone into spasm and it needed to calm down!
I’ve never had an UTI so no idea what that feels like
I saw the doc down the hospital - she said there was no sign of infection but that there’s a lot of blood in my urine. My wee didn’t look pink or anything though so not sure how much is ‘a lot’
She’s sending the sample away anyway just in case but she thinks I’ve passed a stone
Funnily enough I’ve had 3urine tests over the last 2 years and GP has said there was some blood in it - but nobody has looked any further - probably what with everything else going on!
Think I’ll make an appointment on Monday anyway
The pain has eased a lot now to just feeling tender and achy - it was weird though as after a few hours it suddenly went from nasty sharp bladder type pain to agony and went right round my lower back and sides - thought I was birthing!! I was making grunting noises like birthing too!!
Anyone else had similar??? I feel rubbish this morning - hangover without the alcohol - what an ordeal!! xxxxjenxxxx