A bit of an odd one this. Does anyone have problems when going to the toilet with numbness. i can feel when I need to go to the loo, but when i actually try I cant just go, i have to push it out ( sorry). If i just sit there like i used to and wait for it to happen naturaly, it wont. My list of symptoms has steadily grown since august 2011 when this all started and it gets hard to work out whats normal and whats not!!!
Hi, sometimes when I know I want to wee, I have to lean forward and push the bladder. Then quite often, particulalry when using my commode and hoist, I think i`ve finished and start to hoist up, when more wee comes…sometimes like a waterfall!..but not as attractive!
Ive just read online that a rare side effect of Amitriptyline can be urinary retention. I have been on 50mg a day for around a year and am now wondering if this is the culprit.
Ive just read online that a rare side effect of Amitriptyline can be urinary retention. I have been on 50mg a day for around a year and am now wondering if this is the culprit.
Hi, I’m getting urine retention now myself, had a bladder scan today and it showed 430mls then I had a pee and had a second scan and it showed 281mls, so I’m back next week for the same again and for emptying with a catheter if needed!
I also get the sensation of needing to pee and not being able to!
ohh I dont like the idea of a catheter, im a complete wuss when it comes to needles or anything like that. fingers crossed mine isnt that bad. Hope it all goes ok for you Jools. xxx
Hi emmacar Me too !! 2 tips from my nurse 1 rock backwards and forwards whilst pressing on your tummy where your bladder is 2 sounds weird…but lightly tickle / stroke the inside of your thigh or the top of the crease between your buttocks, so near the small of your back…it really does work…I promise !! Xx
hi i have just read this comment about bladder issues and i just needed to add the account of my continual misery and struggle with what feels like bladder pain.
i have had my wee tested numerous times and has never shown any infection and it does not sting or burn when i go to toilet but however when i wee i have a good amount of urine come out i feel but always push to get just abit more out. this pain is just like having constant toothache every day and without sounding crude i have to put cold wet toilet paper against the bottom of my bladder to try and ease the pain with the coolness.
i am under a urologist/gyne who is a very nice man, i have had the test done where they measure how much fluid goes into the bladder and how much you then wee back out also had the camera put up into my bladder under anesetic went to a and e with the pain and they just sent me home saying it was not their thing and to see my gp.
please can anyone shed any light on this i also have irritable bowel syndrome which causes alot of loose stools usually when i wee too along with being diagnosed secondary progressive ms.
any thoughts would be greatly appreciated and thanks for reading this.