Bladder retention - any tips!

Hi folks I’m having a pretty rubbish morning! I occasionally suffer from bladder retention at night time when I’m tired and I usually then end up getting up in the middle of the night. This happened last night and I was then up at 2 this morning. I don’t find that too difficult to deal with though. But, so far today I haven’t been able to ‘go’ and I’m getting a bit uncomfortable :frowning: This had coincided with a bit of a clear out after been constipated for a few days so it’s as if my brain can only cope with one thing at a time! It used to be one thing lead to another if you know what I mean but not anymore :slight_smile: I’ve tried running water which hasn’t helped, does anybody have any tips that they use? Also…how long do you leave it before asking for help? Thanks x

Hi there I’ve been suffering some of the same things - I’ve been going too much tho! I left it over the weekend and got an appointment today with my GP. She’s given me a few tablets to help it. She seemed to think it was a gastro something or other infection rather than the MS tho…Worth checking for other causes sometimes. Take care. Kx

Oh the relief :lol: A couple of extra glasses of juice and off I went! Tips would still be appreciated though in case this happens again! Thanks for your reply K it’s no fun is it. Lynn x