Beautiful day

I woke up this morning to beautiful sunshine creeping through my curtains and all the birds were singing, iv’e had a few knots in the stomach mornings but today i felt it had lifted…The birds are amazing in a morning … its a beautiful dawn chorus…I ordered a huge bag of suet mealy worms ( not alive ) and they love them , so does Frazer i caught him eating one of their seeded fat balls a few days ago… that was fun it worked like Allbran, he was pooing peanuts! not great when we are out on a walk in Frodsham!

The man from adaptations came to measure up for a new rail outside the front window…more scaffolding, why does disability equipment look so horrid, it always looks so practical and "disabled looking ", I think theres a gap in the market for someone to make attractive looking disability products, oh well I will get Lee to paint it green like my other rail.

I hope everyone is okay.

Love Michelle x


Good morning. Beautiful day up north also. Kids are off on a school trip in the hills so sunscreen on and bags packed, hope they have a fab day. Your user name always suggests that your literally looking over the sea in some romantic windswept way, or do you prefer a sunny day, so al good you have one.

our birds have calmed down now, except for a couple of wood pigeons I think. Your Fraser sounds like fun - working dogs are brilliant and I bet he loves being your right hand dog. I’ve noticed from a couple of your comments that life is tricky most of the time, so enjoy the day and hope the good vibes last.

Sluggish and slow but not too bad slug xx


Hi Michelle

I also love listening to the birds, makes you feel good to hear them, they sound so happy.

Your dogs antics makes me laugh, I am sure my little yorkie can tell the time, as he bbarks at certain times of the day when things should be happening, trouble is he has no patience!

Not so sunny here today, but still OK. Dr calling in today so stuck in waiting, hey ho.

Pam x

P.S. I so agree that disabled stuff always looks so “disabled” and always such boring colours.


Hi Michelle,

Lovely day here too. All the birds I have seen since moving in here are a scabby looking crow, a seagull and a pigeon.

The builders are slowly moving away from here so I hope the birds will come soon.

My heart drops whenever I need a new piece of kit, they are all so BORING!!! Apart from the step for the shower I sourced myself. It’s a lovely green colour. Come on disability aid makers we need a bit of bling. Don’t get me started on my rollator I feel such a granny.

Mags xx


Agree! So sick of the choices (or lack of choices). All mob scooters seem to be grey or maroon!

Walking sticks have improved except the colourful ones all seem a bit flimsy… so I use a good strong Boots walking stick in black!

Not great weather in London. Overcast and windy. More like March than June!!!

Pat xx


I so agree about disability stuff…I always thought if the Dyson man got stuck into redesigning aids they’d be much more fun.

Its a beautiful day here too, lots of baby robins, blue and great tits…the air is awash with their little squeaks.

The baby starlings I rescued all fledged successfully, with the exception of one who is like a boomerang…he has learnt how to get in through a tiny little window in our kitchen…I can be sitting quietly when all of a sudden he lands on my head…I think I’ve made a friend for life although I’m hoping next spring when the hormones kick in he will forget all about me and have babies of his own… we call him Stanley the starling!

Nina x


Ah Nina that’s a lovely story!

Pat xx


Hello Michelle.

It’s a bit grey and windy in the heights of East Sussex today. I must say that I get quite a few complimentary comments about my Tramper, even though it is black. The mobility version of knight rider I suppose. (He’s called Father Jack as opposed to Kit.) I’m struggling a bit today but still managed to get to my art class. I’ll be at the drawing board this afternoon designing new rails. Watch this space-the one between my ears.

Best wishes, Steve x


AW Nina Stanley sounds lovely

Pam x

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Thats really lovely, he must think that you are his mummy, Some of the baby sparrows that come to the bird table are bigger and fatter than their parents, you can tell that they are babies because they still have that fluffy down and they sit there chirping waiting for the mother sparrow to feed them its so lovely to watch.

Michelle x


Hi it’s been a lovely day here and the birds started the dawn chorus at 3.45 AM I do think sleep is over rated. We feed the birds all year there is a flock of sparrows about 20 or more in our roof and garden. There are 2 tall bushes growing up the front of the house and they gather there and they make such a joyous racket. you can tell if someone has walked past the house as they suddenly go quiet for a few minutes then one will start chirrpping then the sound builds and builds until they are all shouting again. We get siskins goldfinches willow tits blue and great tits coal tits robins black birds and thrushes.Last year we have a pheasant nesting in the garden "mrs P " she was a nightmare she terrorised our dogs us and the postman. We would check the garden was clear to go out and she would suddenly appear on the drive behind you and I am sure she hitched up her skirt before fixing you with a beady eye then she charged we didn’t wait around it was every man or dog for himself. My best memory of her was my husband running full speed in through the kitchen door closely followed by Mrs P luckily she turned at the top f the steps and left very pleased with herself. You would think she would be grateful for all the food water and shelter she had laid on not a bit of it.It’s gone very quiet someone’s at the door who needs a bell!!Sue


Hello Steve, you’ll have to draw some designs and patent them you could be rich ! I wish some one would think when designing disability toilets they are dreadful iv’e had a few tight squeezes and last week i went in one and couldn’t shut the door without getting the shop assistant to move 2 bins and it was still cramped , that was in Debenhams a big posh store!

I took Frazer to Castle park today for a run he loves the squirrels they are too fast for him, though one of them was teasing him today getting closer and closer we gave it one of his biscuits. Do you remember Castle park Steve ? its close to the old Frodsham school but thats now been built on and is a Library, and leisure centre with a Health centre next door.

Michelle x


Hi Sue,

Your garden sounds like mine, The birds always wake me up early! Wow that Pheasant sounds scary.

Michelle x

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Hello Slug, its another glorious day…Did the children enjoy there school trip?

My user name…was from years ago my mum and dad always called me Shelly most people call me Michelle when i was very small my friend had an older brother and he used to chant after me “shelly on the beach” i was only 5 and was upset by him i thought he was being mean, i remember my mum saying that he was only having fun… I thought it was a good name for this forum…your right it does sound romantic… like someone living by the sea.

My birds were going crazy this morning …I love the singing but today it was spoilt by a naughty magpie I couldn’t get back to sleep, he kept screeching.

You are right my life is tricky…I think all of us on here have difficult lives…but its a good forum theres a lot of support and plenty of good humour.

Michelle x

Hi, Pam,

Your little Yorkie sounds great…I bet he can tell the time…they are much cleverer than we imagine.

I hope you are okay, its sunny again in Frodsham…another beautiful day! I hope its sunny were you are.

Michelle x

Hello Robin,

Its another lovely day here…I’m sure your birds will come back…poor scabby crow, he needs someone to love him…A lot of people don’t like the seagulls or pigeons, i quite like them, in Llandudno, where one of my sons lives, they have loads of seagulls there are notices saying not to feed them…they are very confident birds and quite greedy We went a while ago and had chips , before we’d even put them in the bin they swooped…gobble gobble gone !!

I wanted to say about your rollator,… i hung bats and spiders on my powerchair… i felt better once i’d customised it…now I feel even better with Frazer attached to it.

Michelle x

Hello Pat,

Its a lovely day again, is it nice in London?..Iv’e never used a stick, my friend gave me one but my balance was too bad at the time…and i got rid of it in the end… because my sons used to think it was great fun to use it as a weapon, they had great sword fights with it !!

Michelle x

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I’m so pleased that you got a good result…like you say one less thing not to worry about.

Take care

Michelle x

Hi Michelle, Lovely day in London thank goodness!!! We’ve had a couple of cold windy days.

I saw an art exhibition here a few years ago where the artist had decorated walkers, walking sticks, crutches etc. Really bright colours and tinsel and stuff… they looked amazing.

Maybe we should all get busy and decorate our mobility aids!

Pat xx

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Great news Jackie!!!

What a relief.

My mum, 87, had a lung cancer scare recently. Luckily it was a false alarm! Great relief for all of us.

So glad to hear your news.

Pat xx