Bambaxh saddle seat


I am having problems standing up and doing things like preparing food, washing up, cooking. Anything that involves a little bit of bending over. Basically my legs lock together at the knee and then the legs leg bend at the knee. It is very uncomfortable both for me and for someone who watches me. As well as the uncomfortable position my back hurts as well because it is slightly bent with so support. All in all it is very uncomfortable.

I’m not ready for a wheelchair, I walked 1 km with my rollator only a few weeks ago. OK it took me 45 minutes but I did it

Has anyone used the Bambach saddle seat or perching stool. I want to carry on cooking and doing other things in the kitchen but need a but of support for my back and help with my posture. The seat of a rollator is too low.

These stools are quite expensive and I’m interested in finding out how other people have overcome this problem or any experience of these perching stools.



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A saddle stool has been an essential part of my kitchen for a few years now and definitely makes life easier. They do help you to adopt a correct posture and being on wheels means you can scoot about a bit.

I don’t have a Bambach, so unaware of the additional benefits of that model.

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