asking for more carer hours

Hello everybody (Sooty & Sweep).

Some of you may recall me starting on Direct Payments last June.

Hubby had been my sole carer for many years. he was struggling, as his rheumatoid arthritis ravaged his body. I suggested enquiring about getting outside help. he was dead against it. I got the looked daunting. he threw the literature away.

Then later, I did speak to a Social Worker about the subject. and decided to go for it.

Well we got 8 hours a week. We were means tested, but didnt have to contribute anything. My sis became a PA for taking me out 1 day a week. Hubby thoroughly enjoyed his bit of me time`.

Bev came 3 days a week to help me shower and dress. Less for hubby to do.

I got the hoist…it eased the strain on hubby, but he didn`t like it…I did!

he got more pain due to his RA. I asked for more care hours. i got 2. So now I have Bev Mon - Fri.1 hour each day.

Now weekends are difficult. he hurts me when he helps me to dress etc. I tell him and he gets mad.

Tension and stony atmospheres. abound!

Ive asked for weekend help now. Im waiting for an answer.

So why have I posted this?

Because there will be many of you, carers at home and people suffering, when help could be just a phonecall away.

If you think this could help you…go for it. My extra carers are angels! Hubby is too!

Please pm me if you want to ask about it more privately.

I`d like to help, if I can.

luv Pollxx

Hope you get carers for the weekend too Poll. It’ll make for relaxed Poll and Hubby weekends! Teresa xx

Fingers crossed for you Poll.
