Hi, here I am to try to help you with your DP questions.
Yes, it is means tested. Let me tell you how it went for me.
First I had to speak to Gateway to Care…ie social services. Then a social worker came…there was quite a wait, but can`t remember how long now.
social worker asked why I wanted DPs. I said it was because my hubby was caring for me full time, single handed and his arthritis was giving him so much pain. he would wince when helping me and i knew we needed outside help. h`ed done everything on his own for 11 years. I was able to do less and less as my condition rapidly progressed.
Anyway, the social worker said I could have 8 hours a week paid help. I already had asked my sis if she wanted to do it. My first wish was to go swimming once a week. Then I spoke to a friend who had a really good PA, who was looking for more hours.
Both sis and this new lady were on stand-by.
Then the means test person came. She wanted to see bank statements, proof of income. We had no savings and live on DLA, Incap benefit, Carers allowance and 2 works pensions.
I was told I had to pay £40 a week towards the cost…what? £40? I only want to go swimming once a week I said. Then I was asked if we paid full council tax and a mortgage/rent. I said yes. She did another calculation and said my contribution was nil!!!
Fab news. That was back last year in June. Since then, my disability has worsened quite a bit, as I am now hoisted, as well as use a wheelie full time and need a profiling bed with an air circulating mattress.
I now have 16 3/4 hours, plus one sleepover a week. Hubby really enjoys the benefits of this help…me too!
I have a carer come in 7 mornings a week, to get me up, showered and dressed. 2 other carers take me out twice a week.
Its a wonderful set up and I can
t think how we managed (we didn`t) before.
So, has this helped you at all? Need to know more? Please ask.
luv Pollx
ps your live in carer (spouse…can earn around £100 a week and still claim ca…it`s about £55 a week)