help info needed

Hi everyone, haven’t posted for ages but needed some info and thought i would get it here!!! I recently contacted social services and they told me a social worker would come round to assess me and mentioned direct payments? iv’e heard of them but thats about it. So just wondered how they work do they effect other benefits, what can they be used for and is it worth while having them?

Thankyou Tracy x

Hi Tracy,

I am sorry i can not help you,but know a few people on this site have the direct payments.

So i will try and put you at the top,and hopefully someone can answer you.[Pollx i think has it, so hope she picks up on it]

Good Luck.


Hi, yes I am a strong believer in Direct Payments!

I started using them last June. It did take a bout 3 months to get seen, as they are usually snowed under with work, on a skeleton staff!

At first look, DPs seem very complicated and daunting. You need to get your head round it all. But once they are up and running, it`s a fab way to have some control over your care.

I began by having a Social Worker visit me at home. But since then, the system has changed quite a bit ie in how much is in your personal budget.

At first, I had 8 hours a week care. i soon went up to 10 hours, as weekends were so difficult for my hubby.

More recently i have gained a bigger budget, with more hours, as my conditions worsens.

My hubby was my sole carer for 11 years…now I have 3 others!

Going the DP route allows you to choose your own carers and arrange your own timetable.

If you have any specific questions, please ask.

luv Pollx

ps you have to be means tested, but I don`t believe they affect other benefits.

Thanks Chris and Poll, I am getting ESA at the moment and it’s just me and the kids my daughter is 19 and my son is thirteen, and think they both do to much for me at the moment! helping me and trying to keep on top of the house work. I also get DLA middle rate for care and top rate for mobility. Can DP also be used to hire a cleaner or is it just for care?.

Thanks again Tracy x