I’ve been on Amitriptyline for two weeks now, 25 a night, haven’t noticed any effect of my symptoms but I do have mild side effects from the drugs. I feel a bit slow in the morning and jittery in the evenings. My doc knows this and has recommended I double my dose this week. I was just wondering if the side effects will double as well? Should I take it even earlier if I want to get to sleep (it keeps me awake so i take it 7pm well before bed)? Any advice would be great. Thanks
Hi Amylou I would defo try and speak to your MS nurse. I only take 10mg at about 8pm and it knocks me flat (unlike last night when I was again woken up) however the washed out feeling and “hangover” is always there if it take it later. I say speak to your MS nurse because mine was the one who suggested it through my rehab neuro and she has lot of her patients on it and thus dosing experiences etc. However lots of people on here have the same so I expect you’ll get some great answers! Strudders
I take 50mg at night and I find that if I take it 2 hrs before bedtime it gives me a good night’s sleep. I don’t have the “hung-over” feeling though…
Thanks for your replies, I am due to increase the dosage tomorrow then due to see the doc a week later so I can let them know how I’m feeling. Not looking forward to feeling more drugged though, so hopefully won’t affect me much. I don’t need any help sleeping!