Hi guys and gals, been trying to just get on with my life with PPMS after my marathon wait for diagnosis, but last few days a bit freaky.
Started with more vibrating and burning and fizzing in legs, then my eyes were hurting, then pins and needles in my face.
The vibrating in legs got way worse, then yesterday my ankle and foot ugh…my ankle feels like i have broken it, and the nerve pain in my foot is mank, and my toe is doing the splits again in full spasm.
No water infection as i checked with the little sticks.
Should i be concerned? Its always the weekend when things go belly up.
I can just about walk on my left leg and foot now. The pain is there whether i rest or not.
Could it be something else? I havent fallen but the ankle is swollen.
Just fed up. Just when i think i am stablising and getting used to things, it all starts again with something else. Sorry for moaning, but husband hasnt got a clue. xxxx
You are not moaning so no apology needed. You have a lot going on for now. I too have severé ankle and foot pain. I have special insoles in my shoes which do help. Maybe you should ask to see a foot special ialist? Worth seeing the doctor? Hope it calms down soon. Anne
Hi i too have swollen painful discoloured feet.I have test to make sure the blood supply to them is ok.Like you i adjust to one complaint and then i get another.when will it end
I also get ankle and foot pain, I wonder if the ankle swelling is due to the medication I take for high blood pressure, but my toes spray out and when it happens the pain caused is horrid, so I sympathise for you.
I take Bacloden for spasms, and whilst it does not eradicate them, it helps a bit, so I wonder if that might help you.
Hope it eases for you.
Pam x
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** should say Baclofen, sorry damn predictive text!
Pam x
Hi yes my toe does the same the neuro said its big spasms which cause it. Got to be careful it doesnt stay that way, it hurts when it really moves.
Yes i am on propananol with my BP which is under control, but i only take one tablet. Its only my weak side the swelling comes and the pain in the ankle. I am not sure it does seem better today, now i have a back ache lol.
Transient pain isnt it. xxx
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