Hi guys for several days now i have had ankle issues in my weak leg. Darn thing folded under me the other day it wouldnt hold my weight, now its aches and aches, up my shin too.
I did try and ring my MS nurse but so far no joy.
Just wondered if it was my MS as my leg is really weak. Using my electric wheelchair in house as its hard to stay upright. when i got up last night to use commode it went on me again and i ended up in the wall ouch.
I have bought myself a support for the ankle should get it tomorrow.
Really cant be bothered to see doctor it means going out and having to wait 3 weeks for an appointment.
I also have a problem with my weak leg. My ankle has a tendency to give way but my problem is caused by pronation/weakness. My right foot tips inwards which in turn tips my knee inwards. I had my foot xrayed as my GP was concerned I might have a stress fracture but nothing was found. I was prescribed orthotics which I wear with trainers to give more support. However if I spend too long on my feet my ankle still becomes painful and swells. When sitting I try to sit with my feet up. I also have osteoarthritis which does not help. Maybe a visit to the GP to discuss an X-ray or a referral to a podiatrist to see if orthotics will help? Hope it settles soon. Sue x
hi it was my PPMS.
i saw my MS nurse and was put down to nerve pain irritating nerves around the area. i had xray it was all fine. it went as suddenly as it came lol… i have had it on and off since.