

I have just been perscribed Amitriptyline 10mg. I am told it will help me with the pins and needles i am suffering from and the funny numb feelongs i get in my legs from the knee down. It is worse on my left side. Also it should cut down the amount of times i get up through the night for a pee.

I am just wondering if it’s as good as they tell me?

I have struggled since January with the feelings in my legs, i was out for a walk the other day and i fell over for no reason and landed on my left side. Which resulted in me ending up with either badly bruised or a fractured rib.Just before i fell my left leg felt really numb so i am wondering if this gave way to cause me to fall over.

Any advice would be appreciated.


I was on it for 4 months but turns out I can’t take it as I became tacchycardic and manic… but apparently thats a very rare side effect, I know several folk on this for a variety of pain issues and they say it works a bit.

I’d be interested in the response you get. I’ve awful sensations at times they are very painful even when clothes touch. I’d rather not go on medication as most of the time I cope. But the last few days they’ve been really sore x

Hi irons im on amitriptyline i started on 10 but have increased to 20mg over the 2years I’ve been on it. Your symptoms sound exactly the same As mine apart from mine being right leg weakness ,and yes it has helped me so much i wouldn’t be without it.,i know it doesn’t suit Everyone you may feel kinda spaced out the first week or so but it soon Passes . Its well worth it had terrible pins and needles. Still do only now And then no where near as intense. Good luck x

Pleased it is helping you.

I have only just started taking it so hopefully it agrees with me and i get some relief.

Hi I was on it , fantastic for the pins & needles in my legs, but had to come off it as it turned me into a zombie, now on gabapentin which is working great for me.

hated it :confused: it did get rid of the pins and needles/numb feelings in my legs, but I felt so tired even on a low dose and it made me talk in my sleep lol

stopped taking it after 6 months and just deal with the numb legs :confused: but it does work wonders for some people :slight_smile:


I’ve pins and needles all over my body, I take 10mg amiltriptylene at night, helps me sleep - I take it half an hour before I go to bed - only have time to read a few pages on my kindle.

Good luck,

Jen x

Thanks for all the comments.



I’ve pins and needles all over my body, I take 10mg amiltriptylene at night, helps me sleep - I take it half an hour before I go to bed - only have time to read a few pages on my kindle.

Good luck,

Jen x

Pleased it is working for you.

How long did you have to take it before you noticed a difference in your symptoms?

Hi Irons,

Think it started working straight away. I take 10mg amitriptyline and 10mg tizanidine - think both together knock me out.

Hope it works for you.


Hi Jen,

Thanks for the advice.

Pleased it is working for you. I have only been on it since friday and i haven’t really noticed any difference yet.

I actually started taking it for IBS and it was only 20/30mg a night before I was diagnosed, so when MS came up, between my neuro/GPs/Rehab doctor, it’s been rounded up to 50mg.

I like it because it really does help me get a good night’s sleep and that’s a good defence - for me any past depression etc. has inevitably been related to poor/broken sleep. I don’t get pain particularly but a tremor used to really mess with settling down - fortunately, that seems to be one of the small number of things that have gone away.

Hope you get some good quality sleep with it

Sonia x

Hi Sonia,

Pleased it is working for you.

I think i have slept a little better since i have started taking it but i still wake up 2-3 times a night but i tend to go back over to sleep again were as before i would just stop awake.

Hi, I was on these for around 2 years and was sick of feeling like a zombi every day, I had that feeling you have in my legs and very much so at night so after i was sick of walking around half asleep on these tablets i went to see the doctor as a friend of mine who has RRMS as well was taking ‘nortriptyline’ and so i started on these and work perfect with side effects the next day, 30mg i am on and work a treat, Good luck Rich.

sorry no side effects on nortriptyline. Rich

hi i started on 25mg of amptriptyline at night 14 years ago for chronic pain.Now with the pain with ms, my consultant has upped it to 70mg, No pain at night, but boy when i miss it (if im having a drink) i know about it.The only side effects ive had is a dry mouth, and have found a spray in boots which helps it

Didnt work for me… also gave me vivid dreams at night, not nice either!!! Taking pregabalin now, works ok i think. x

Hi white spirit why don’t you drink when ur having them and also what spray do you use. X

Thanks for all the comments.

Guess we have to keep trying the different drugs to we find ones that agree.