What a day. I thought that the worst of this attack was over…no, today it stepped up a gear. Really bad dizziness, had a few falls. Seeing things in a weird way,for example…I saw what I thought were ducks flying low across my garden,…they were pigeons! Not seeing an object for what it is, snappy( really wanting a row), everything is annoying me, especially a certain person who seems to be trying to press my buttons :s my head feels hot inside and craly, like weird sensations. My legs are not attached, they feel distant and left arm is useless. I want to cry :s I’m unable to follow what people are saying, tv is just flashy pictures with no sense. I had my painkillers half an hour and feeling a slight reprieve, just enough to moan I wish I could just put another head on, like Worzel Gummidge ( showing my age lol) x sorry for the rant x
An update. Woke up,after having a bizarre dream :s my head is still crawly but not as bad as it was. Feeling less like an ogre and relieved. I’m hoping that was the worst of it. I’m going to relax all day and not be dragged out! A certain someone seems to have chilled out, so today may be a lot better. Rain forecast later, saves me watering the garden x
Hi bev, sorry to hear how rotten you are feeling, but glad it is clearing a bit.
If I feel really ratty and not fit for general humankind, I stay in bed, watch rubbish tv and eat as much ice cream, chocolate or whatever i can.
All this garbage we have to deal with really is the pits, eh?
Be good to yourself.
luv Polx
That’s an excellent idea could I swap the ice cream for cake?
thanks, I’ve slept all day, head still short circuiting :s hope you’re alright xx
That’s an excellent idea could I swap the ice cream for cake?
thanks, I’ve slept all day, head still short circuiting :s hope you’re alright xx
Thortons chocolates my vice…always work for me lol. Hope you feel a bit better soon Beverly. ((((((hugs)))))) Noreen x
Thanks, I’m over the worst. I’m tired, but my balance is a bit better and my head not as jangled.xx