I had my lumbar puncture last week. I just wondered if anyone has had one recently (during covid/lockdown), and how long you waited for an appointment/ results. Thanks!
Depends really everyone is different I had LP in July waited 11 weeks got my results through the post I didn’t speak to my consultant till he was sure of my diagnosis.
Really hope you don’t need to wait that long as it’s a horrible wait
Sending Love Sam x
Thank you for a quick reply, wow 11 weeks. I’m guessing I won’t hear anything until after Christmas
Are you having a LP for Clinical Isolated Syndrome?
If so I would recommend writing symptoms down in a book and questions you have.
When I got the phone I forgot everything and didn’t have any questions and that my only regret
I had an LP 6 weeks ago, still waiting… I’m in the Midlands. Hope yours come through soon…
Had an LP 5th October, still waiting… I emailed the MS nurse and I am apparantly on the waiting list for an appointment. Havent got the appointment yet, but the results are in, as I understand it… are the lp the doctor said results can take up to month. There are some results that are almost instant apparantly, but the important one (so oligoclobal bands, I’m guessing) takes up to a month. Once a month was up I emailed the nurse. I’m undiagnosed, but apart from my first MRI (when they thought I might have a brain tumour) I have chased results. My recommendation is chase results if you don’t hear after a month. I don’t like being that patient, but it seems to get things moving…
Hope you get your results soon …
Will give it a month and then chase results. Hope you hear soon …
I have just had my LP the doctor said 6 weeks so not until after Christmas
Make sure you pester them to get the results - as soon as the 6 weeks is up, or even before, if you don’t hear anything.
I just got my appointment to get my results, this Friday. So 5th October to 20th November (6 weeks and 4 days). Hopefully you won’t be waiting any longer than 6 weeks!
Bettie x
I replied to another person lower down the post about me having an appointment to get the results, just over 6 weeks from LP to results. I hope that helps - just keep pestering, I pestered a few times before I got an official appointment.
Hi there . I had my LP on wednesday 18/11/20. The neurologist said Monday or tuesday nxt week . Chase them up if you dont hear anything soon xx How did u all get on with LP? Xx
Hi all, I had a lumbar puncture on the 4th of November and just had an additional MRI scan this week.
I’ve had so many letters that it’s become a bit confusing as I was told at the hospital that it would be a week for my results, (obviously not) and received a letter about an appointment with the MS Specialist on the 19th of Nov, so I thought great that was quick. Turns out it’s an annual appointment for 19th Nov NEXT YEAR!
Got my knickers properly in a knot!
I got mine yesterday. I’m still diagnosed with clinically isolated syndrome, but doctor recommends I go on medication. I’m pretty relieved that I have a way forward. Yearly check ups and medication, even if it is a self-injection, doesn’t feel too terrible. I hope everyone gets their results soon and that the news brings answers and relief! Bettie xx
Hi All, Reading this thread is really helpful as its difficult to understand a lot of the timescales as you start the diagnosis journey, I was fortunate in that I was seen by the Neurologist two weeks after the GP referred me - symptoms started three months ago and initial blood tests requested by GP all came back okay. They then referred for an MRI, which I was fortunate again in that wait was two weeks. Neurologist asked me to have more blood tests and saw me again last week. MRI scan showed symptoms could be MS, but they want to rule out MNOSD and Anti-MOG and have a Neuro who specialises in MS review my scans. Had my LP today and have received an appointment to see the Neurologist next March. Assuming they will get in touch when they’ve had the LP results back. Neurologist was really helpful, asking that I contact them if there is a deterioration in my symptoms or if I’m worried about anything. It’s just the waiting to know if it is or isn’t MS, and then what happens next.
Hi swc, (when I typed your screen name it autocorrected to sweetie! ) I had all the tests for the various antibodies etc to rule all of those out too! I’m sure you read above that I don’t have MS, I have Clynically Isolated Syndrome, but I qualify for a mild/weak intaferon to prevent anything else happening in the future. I don’t know if that reassures you or not, knowing there are other things for what happens next, if it isn’t MS. if your neurologist is anything like mine, and it sounds like they are, you’ll be given all the information you need. Hope the lp went okay? And fingers crossed for speedy results! Bettie x
Well I’ve just realised that it is almost exactly a year since I got my Lumbar Puncture; how time flies. It was about 8 weeks later before I got my results, although I also got a fair amount of blood tests and and full Brain & Spine MRI between the LP and the Neuro appointment. This was pre Covid so these times that people are quoting here don’t seem too out of the ordinary. That said it doesn’t exactly help the stress levels to have to wait a couple months before getting the results. One thing to brace yourself for is that even this might not be the end of the diagnostic road. Even after those tests there were still a few more that needed to be carried out before I finally got my diagnosis.
Best of luck Sarah, and everyone else, I hope you get the news that you want.
Can I ask how long you had to wait for the LP appointment. My appointments are taking a long time to come through and apparently it’s only the LP I need now
My lp took months to happen. I was seen in February and told I would need an MRI and possibly and lp. Then covid happened. So mri did’t happen until early April maybe the 2nd/3rd… 6 weeks for those results, and then an lp on 5th October. So really months. I’m sure it will be quicker for you. I was one of the unlucky ones who had covid in the middle! In total it had been over a year from first symptom in September 2019 to now. Do keep pestering the hospital though. It does seem to work…
Sorry I didn’t mean April!!! I meant June!