Afraid to exercise.

I am undiagnosed, but have a fibro diagnosis. My symptoms fit fibro but I suspect that there is more going on and I am under a neuro who is taking a watch and wait approach. I have had a clear MRI back in October. In October I was in bed with diaphragm spasms and actual chest and leg weakness diagnosed by neuro. The leg weakness has disappeared but the chest weakness comes and goes hour by hour along with moving numbness and tingling. I would really like to try some aerobic exercise but I am scared to as have a four year old and don’t want to be left with overwhelming fatigue and so unable to look after him. My body feels like jelly though and I was so fit before. Any thoughts? Advice please? :-):-):slight_smile:

Hello You could go to a local leisure center and ask for an assessment. I’m sure they will be able to advise you :slight_smile: Doing the right kind of excercise can improve energy levels. I’m 58 and used to keep quite fit. I’m worried about my own fitness levels since ms diagnosis. Need to sort something out myself. Good luck :slight_smile:

Hi Michelle. Like you I have been dignosed with fibroymalgia but I have sufficient other symtpoms to suggest something else is going on. I did have hydrotherapy for a while which was great as you are pretty weighltess in the water. However, I found the heat overwhelming and it made me worse but if might be worth a go, we are all different. I have considered swimming (using those long tubes under my armpits for support) at the minute my symptoms won’t settle enough to try but that is a goal I have. Sorry if what I am going to sugeest sounds silly but the simplest of exercises are useful even if they are low impact, squeezing a soft sponge ball, using light weight thera bands to gently stretch muscles, lifting small tins to strengthen arm muscles - all can be done sitting down. Maybe you could be referred to a physio to see if they can help with a simple routine. Hope some of the ideas are useful Lou x

Thanks Lou. Yes. I am going to do that. Try lifting bean cans, gentle yoga maybe. You never know, I have been so inactive for so long that it might help. The fibro kills though and I am finding that really I need something as strong as tramadol but I have terrible side affects with it. I am scared of causing a flair if I do anything too much. I have a threw storey house and that hurts. Thanks.

I know exactly where you are coming from. We also have a 3 storey house. I made the first floor this morning and burst into tears on the landing. I had to be helped up to bed and I have stayed there all day. It is hard to know what to do incase it triggers a flair up, we do have to be sensible but sometimes flairs just happen. It is so frustrating I used to ski, albeit badly, ride a bike to work, walk for hours and enjoy family life in ways that I took for grnted. Set small goals when it comes to exercise, make them realistic and even then don’t be disappointed if you can’t do something so be it on that occasion. Are you seeing your neuro again soon? Lou x